Thursday, July 15, 2010

Oakham Town Council in Love with the Police

Independent Police Complaints CommissionImage via Wikipedia

For the second time this week, I find my self in Oakham Police Station.

Tuesday I spent nearly 3 hours being interviewed by Standards for England, some of the complaints from Doris Cook maybe thrown out because she made them when I was not a councillor, She has Oakham Town Council to thank for that, they deliberately delayed the signing of my acceptance papers, papers you can sign as soon as you are declared elected. I have to await confirmation.

I was surprised by the number complaints made by Cllr Haworth who tells everyone he made me so welcome he forget to mention that he was complaining to Standards and obstructing my work as a Cllr.
Now I believe he is upset by the text message I sent to him when I resigned and for delivering documents to his home for secure disposal. The police have given me an invitation to attend tomorrow to discuss a complaint made by Cllr Haworth and will arrange a solicitor for me. They want to put  stop to all this crap. So do I that is why they are also arranging to deal with Mr Harrison and Mr Burton tomorrow. I would like to thank the friend who printed of Mr Harrison's blog and comments he approves that suggest I am a danger to children and the  same for printing all Mr Burtons twitter account. Of course the police should have assisted long ago. Fortunately there are a lot more new officers at Oakham and  not corrupted yet. And my complaint to the IPCC

I had to go to the police station yesterday  because Cllr Lucas complained to the police I had sent her a email asking her to resign for calling me a peodo, I still think she should. Good to see her abusing her police contacts through her committee membership, reminds me of Cllr Dewis and Cllr Haworth who are also members.

The police told me as a councillor you must expect people to call you a looney, not that  I have called them that, can any one explain why the police are not telling them the same.

They are part of a seriously dysfunctional council and this was created by them and their ex councillor friends and with the full support of Rutland County Council. I feel there must be a divide Standards come to the conclusion its dysfunctional not just me saying it!

Six months ago ago if Rutland County  Council had told me they had no authority over the parish council and it was down to the secretary of state things maybe different now.

Ex Cllr Mrs Tyers I was not aware your mother died ten years ago and the content of my text did not mention this event . You may not be aware of the following Mobile phone companies have to keep keep records of all text message sent. So I was happy to confirm to the police the number given could be my mobile broadband number I have not check yet. When are you and your friend going to stop harassing me!

Who knows if this continues the police might come along and take all our computers away and all the the secrets will be revealed.

The owners of e-mail address's such as whislteblower2009  and who posted the offensive images. could all be revealed

Hope they won't forget ******** and deal with  his importing and selling of viagra  hope the man in the bungalow up his road doesn't die ,   did not realise how serious this was until I watched Fake Britain  a lot more serious than supporting the mob  who harass me. He has the cheek to say I am a dole scum  & sponger and weirdo and a peodo for taking photographs, then goes to the  police because I don't edit his number  from his text messages,when published, at least I am not putting peoples lives at risk.

I think lifestyle gives the game away, lives in a big house, smart car, flash holidays , night life and clubbing.

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