Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rutland Times & Rutland Mercury Letters

A supermarket in Sweden in 1941Image via Wikipedia
I have been impressed by the local newspapers letters page, since the Senior reporter moved on.

Who ever has taken over at the Rutland Times seems to be very brave, taking on Oakham.

For a long time we have only seen letters published that support the view of the councils and other small groups so it is refreshing to see the larger group of residents are now at last being given their chance to have there say.

Next the newspaper will send a reporter to Council meetings, surely not? They could start with Oakham Town Council and report on the disgusting contempt they have shown residents, Councillors laughing in open meetings at residents letters.

Times are difficult for many residents now is it not time prices were dropped in all the shops. Forget the Oakham exchange rate!

Do local woman really pay £100+ for a knitted sweater and men £15 + for a pair of socks?
Some may put it on the plastic, but why don't these retailers who constantly moan at lack of customers cater for all types of customers? Silly  me I forgot they look down at anyone who is not a committee member or a holder of a debt laden Gold Card. Many of these so called upmarket retailers import goods from the far east cheaply.

Letter: Town needs fresh blood

Date: 09 July 2010

Come on you people of Oakham. Let's have some new shops and some choice. I want to give my custom to Oakham. I don't want to keep travelling out of Oakham to do my shopping.

Let's have some affordable shops, new supermarkets and clothes shops that we don't need a mortgage to buy.

Bev Gill

Grampian Way,

Oakham    Click Here to Read Full Letter

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