Thursday, July 08, 2010

Thank you

Thank you to all my friends and decent residents in Oakham who have sent me messages of support.

Like  this one

"Why indeed, I have often thought that, but now , the bullies have won. And the elite club will continue, so wouldn't you always feel resentful, at least you will have more rime to tackle your overgrown front garden and less time on your blog . Less stress for you ."

Cheeky Young man my garden is not overgrown, its meant to be full of shrubs the birds love it.

I did do some light pruning yesterday.

Don't worry as a member of the public I can attend meetings and report on my findings.

I don't spend so much time on my blog for the last couple of weeks most posts have been created and stored and auto published.

I don't resent the experience, after attending meetings at Oakham Town Council and seeing how it should not be done and attending Rutland County Council meetings and finding correct procedure followed I would consider becoming a district councillor next May.