Saturday, August 21, 2010

Metro Bank Holborn, New Bank Likes Dogs and People

Metro Bank is the first new bank to open on the British High Street
for years, they like dogs and people and cameras!

They claim to be able to open you a account in 15 minutes
they make the debit cards and credit cards and print cheque books in the branch
and they give away dog treats, sweets for kids and big kids

They open branches on a Sunday

Dogs rule at this Bank?

Will we see a branch in Oakham

The first High Street bank to launch in the
 UK for more than 100 years

If we don't get a Metro Bank
maybe we will get a Virgin Bank
Virgin Money also acquired
a banking licence this year

Although the Bank has American backing
 there are no links to Metro Bank in America
that is a wholly owned subsidiary of Metro Bancorp, Inc.
and is not affiliated with
Metro Bank plc, Great Britain