Thursday, September 23, 2010

Job search in Rutland, Working Links, Rutland Times

Via Twitter:  What is the point of the Rutland Times (except to make Johnson Press extra revenue) its a mini version of R&S Mercury. Donate45p 2charity  Multin_in_Parvo [+] 12.54 via web

I agree with this why bother spending 45p for Job Search to find the Sales Team can only drum up two useless job adverts for the whole of Rutland?

The tax payer has just paid £12 for me to drop of 5 copies of speculative letter I sent to employers yesterday.

Thanks to the Rutland tax payers who paid for the printing at the library.

There are two jobs advertised in this weeks Rutland Times.

Rutland Agricultural Society

Administration Secretary
To work fir the council of trustees reporting to
the chairman of council:

Part time, flexible hours
Self employed invited to apply
Remuneration package commensurate with
experience and ability

application, with CV, by email to:
j.skipper@tfslimited.co.uk or by post to
Mr J Skipper, Fir Tree Farmhouse,
Main Street,
LE15 7DJ

The second job is interesting sadly I dont have the experience required.

Experienced cushion Sewer:

cutting, overlocking, zippers, piping. For private designer.

I receive e-mails from they work for you: Detailing our good MP's  work  in the Commons, he works tirelessly for those abroad. He may be a good minister but I am afraid to say I am finding when he comes to local issues he is crap! He won't mind me using this description a metaphor for the word he uses shit
When a MP becomes a minister we should be able to elect a deputy so they can deal with local issues.