Friday, September 10, 2010

Oakham Town Council Planning

Oakham Town Councillors -
Serving the residents of Oakham
when it's convenient to us!

Before writing this blog entry I contacted the following people:

Mr Richard White Oakham Town Clerk

Mr White feels my complaint concerning this planning issue is a personal attack against him.

James Frieland. Planning Rutland County Council.

Understood my concern but feels this is a matter for Rutland County Councils Legal Department.

I am awaiting a reply from Mr  Pook.

Cllr Peter Jones Rutland County Council.

Mr Jones is one of the applicants his application was amongst those approved solely by the Town Clerk.

Mr Jones seemed very surprised his application was not dealt with by the full Town Council.
There is no suggestion Cllr Peter Jones has done anything wrong. I was only aware his name was included amongst the applications when I collected the  list from the Town Council today.

Oakham Town Council has seriously breached its trust.
The public has been mislead
Rutland County County has been mislead it was sent a email stating 'Recommendations and Observations From Oakham  Town Council.

Oakham Town Council web site repeats the above know where does it say these are the recommendations and observations of the Town Clerk only.

It is sad Oakham Town Councillors disposed of their statutory duty so easily. It could also show they have no interest in the preservation or development of our Town

There is a very good reason why Planning Applications are heard in public at Town Council meetings.

I see the move by Oakham Town Council members to delegate planning to an employee behind closed doors as another nail in the coffin of local democracy.

The following 10 application were approved behind closed doors, no notice was posted outside the council office the public were deprived of their right to speak about these applications at any  meeting.

Since visitng Oakham Town Council the web site has been altered: Delegated Decision Recommend

The Document printed by the clerk and handed to me by the clerk is as stated at the begining of this blog.

20/07/10 11/07/10 Mr Peter Jones Erection of conservatory to rear (south) of property

76 High Street Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

20/07/10 11/07/10 Mr Peter Jones Erection of conservatory to rear (south) of property
76 High Street Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

13/08/10 04/09/10 Mr Walter Middleton Crown raise 1 No. Walnut tree and crown reduce 1 No. Walnut tree by 1.5 – 2 metres
1 Barmstedt Close Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

21/07/10 10/08/10 Mr David Roger Houghton Replacement of front (south) windows on first and second floor with UPVC windows. Replacement of wooden fascias on front gable with UPVC boards

4 Jubilee Court
Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

27/07/10 16/08/10 Mr C Gunby Addition of air conditioning units and construction of brick pier screening wall to side (north) elevation (amendments to approved scheme FUL/2009/0224) Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

28/07/10 17/08/10 Mr S McCagney First floor extension to rear (south) elevation and single storey extension to side (east) elevation

14 Bowling Green Close Delegated Decision  Recommend Approval

27/07/10 16/08/10 Mr Alan Burt Construction of conservatory to rear (south) elevation. Retention of pergola and greenhouse (retrospective)

134a Braunston Road Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

03/08/10 23/08/10 Stan Dentith Construction of porch with disabled access

83 South Street Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

12/08/10 02/09/10 Mr Stephen Walker Construction of conservatory to rear (west) elevation

10 Nightingale Way Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

12/08/10 02/09/10 Mr and Mrs Phil Whiteoak Various alterations to existing garage including construction of of hipped roof and front garden / driveway alterations

25 Burley Road Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

12/08/10 02/09/10 Rutland County Council Alterations to existing salt barn. Construction of new vehicle store, vehicle wash, portacabin and ancillary works

RCC Ashwell Road Depot

Ashwell Road Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

13/08/10 03/09/10 Mrs Sue Ringham Construction of conservatory to rear (south) elevation Delegated Decision Recommend Approval

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