Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to De Montfort University Leicester

Corporate logo of De Montfort University (213x...Image via Wikipedia    

Welcome to De Montfort University 
The sign welcomes visitors and students to one
of Leicesters Universities

Today say the start of the new term
and many local companies could
be seen around the campus tempting students 
with freebies and vouchers along with
discounts at clubs

YUMCHI gave out free prawn crackers 

Domino's Pizza looked as if they had employed a coach load of staff

It was also a busy day for Leicestershires Police and 
De Montfort University Security

Student Centre was very busy

Subway Leicester

Not a student protest just informing new students they are required to drink

And this young lady came all this way from Spain to promote Example

Leicester City Council
City Wardens

Leicester City Council City Warden
and Young  Lady possibly thinking
I want to go home! 
In the background is one of Domino's New Human Pizza's

Club Republic Leicester TV Advertising van
Leicestershire Police officer issues ticket
'I told you, you can drive around and around all day with your noisy TV 
but you can't park in the bus stop, then he went and parked on the footpath.
D'OH ! sorry that's Domino's

Fire Bug Leicester
Not far from this spot are the student flats badly damaged by fire last term

Propaganda Leicester
kept driving so no ticket for them

Another of those Human Domino's Pizza

I LUV DMU Bomb Challenge

Franchise Leicester
Comedy + Live Music Firebug Leicester

Colin's Crew Leicester
I Love Fan Club Leicester

I love Mango
 lots of Free cans of

Club Republic
Student Bar

T Shirt Printing

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