Thursday, September 30, 2010

Working Links Leicester

A wall of the new John Lewis store. Highcross ...
Sorry another moan about working Links Leicester.

When you fiirst attend working Links Leicester you are told how important CV's are, this is no longer true.
Many comanies no longer accept CV's our own Council Rutland County Council don't accept CV's

But still advisors at Working Links insist their clients keep wasting time and paper sending them out.

Two weeks ago after moaning about my referal to another company, who would be paid  to give me  four weeks basic office training. An adivsor suggests I wrote to five retailers of my choice and send them my CV and ask for a job or work exeperience. I  did this and two weeks on I received one reply from John Lewis, the reply is the standard sent out by many companies.

.......... ending in We appreciate your time and
enthusiasm shown to join our branch, however unfortunatley John Lewis Leicester no longer accept CV's as a form of application. We thank you for  considering us within *you employment search and wish you luck in the future.

*good to see John Lewis can make typiing errors like me.

I learnt a long time ago this process of application was no longer acceptable, after making follow up enquireries with Boots, I found most employers now use web based comapnies, they vet applications, as is the case with Boots a job can be advertised with the Jobcentre and once a set amount of application are received the application is pulled from the site. A store manager told me they can no longer have any input regarding recruitment.

 So I wonder when Working Links are going to inform their advisors and bring them up to date.

If employers don't speak to people anymore, this could explain why Working Links has no arragements with any employers to provide the compulsary four weeks work experience that is part of the so called New Deal Scheme and can only offer very basic classroom  based courses .

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