Showing posts with label Working Links. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Working Links. Show all posts

Friday, February 18, 2011

Working Links 60 Charles Street Leicester JobCentrePlus European Union European Social Fund

Working Links Leicester

At great expense to the tax pay I have spent the last 52 weeks attending Working Links Leicester.

The local mob like to tell people I don't try to find work.

I kept asking Working Links for assistance and they failed, they failed to get me mandatory work experience.

Today I showed a person a Rutland County Council job fair the form completed at the end of my time by Working Links so they can be paid. He said it appears they have not done anything for you and should not get paid.

Below is an example of the standard of work carried out by Working Links Staff. Those who call me an illiterate retard might find it funny I correct the mistakes before signing their copies.

The good thing from the employment fair is I made an appointment with a company that provides service in Oakham and they are going to check my CV and send it out to employers. The boss of the company was so shock with what he saw, he will be dealing with my search personally. Very kind of him.

I would like to say my advisor was nice, but job seekers need more than just nice. I am pleased I am no longer owned by her.

European Union European Social Fund
Working Links 60 Charles Street  Leicester

Friday, February 11, 2011

Working Links Leicester 60 Charles Street Leicester Health and Safety? Fire Trap

Working Links Leicester Health and Safety?

 Until today I have not been able to blog freely about Working  Links for fear of Sanction!

I have come to the end of my time at Working Links, I have gained nothing from the experience the service is poor.

The safety of staff and job seekers has been put at risk for many months. Only today did Working Links install the above fire extinguishers.

They are based in a very high up in a old building 60 Charles Street. Moving over to this building last summer job seekers received no induction. To this day I have not been able to locate a fire call point and exit signs are not clear.

I hope these two new fire extinguishers are never needed but if they are I hope they are adequate and no one is ever trapped up there.

If the staff jump first and the job seekers perish will the staff still receive their bonus?

They turned down an employer offering me work experience because his fire extinguishers had service labels that had just expired. At least he has them......

Friday, February 04, 2011

Working Links Leicester the Big Issue / Bell

At working links Leicester Today, busy job searching and suddenly I jumped out of my seat.  Someone had just rung a large bell and the man next to me cheered and clapped.

I have just found working links has used government and European funding to purchase a brass ships bell!

Photograph to follow.

Job seekers like myself must ring the bell when we get a job offer! Yippee! I can't wait for my turn!

This is not a joke it is for real!

I would like to blog a lot more about working links, but the last time I did they banned me from Daily Job Search.

Working Links is funded by the Government and the European Union and Job Centre Plus is a main stakeholder. I have learnt the advisor if they don't like you they can sanction you, meaning you loose Job Seeker allowance for up to six months, if they don't help you to find employment the sanctions are a way they can also ensure they get there much talked about bonuses. I am coming to the end of my experience of Working Links so I won't say anymore.

I imagine Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council wish they had the same power over people!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Corby Northamptonshire Photographs Weetabix, Working Links, Tresham, Steel

Corby Northamptonshire, I like this huge building the colour of the exterior almost makes it invisible. The building is built on the former steel works Stewarts & Lloyds this was a steel tube manufacturer with its headquarters based at Corby, Northamptonshire, England. The company was created in 1903 by the amalgamation of two of the largest iron and steel makers in Britain A. & J. Stewart & Menzies Ltd, Coatbridge, North Lanarkshire, Scotland and Lloyd & Lloyd Ltd, Birmingham, England.

There are two steel sculpture to remind people this was the former location of the steel works.

Corby Power Station.

Centrix Corby

"If you know what's good for you, you do!" (from 80's)

Weetabix Ltd. Manufacturer of breakfast cereals. Address: Earlstrees Road Earlstrees Industrial Estate CORBY NN17 4AZ. Telephone: 01536 722181

Working Links !!!! 4, Wood St, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 1PT. Tel: 01536 447970

The Proffessional Choice Corby.

Tresham Institute is a Further and Higher Education College Corby  George St
Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 1QA
0845 658 8990

We used to have one of these in Oakham but they did a runner.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Working Links Job Seekers Leicester This Way

Working Links Job Seakers Leiceter This Way

It's all change at working links once again, no appointed adviser. 

Some advisers have once again chosen to go off sick.

When you hear advisor so unhappy it does not give you much motivation to want to work.

I know a couple were of really sick, I wonder if the Working Links days lost to sick is as high Rutland County Council.

Although I guess the threat of redundancy at the council may have helped Mrs Briggs reduce this figure.

Senior  staff tell off staff in front of clients for sitting at desks.

Clients can only sit at desk.

Its one of those American things that does not work too well here in Britain.

The British worker likes their own space at work.

Today a member of staff broke a plastic holder used to display latest jobs.

Working Links sent a man and toolkit to remove and replace the damaged item.

The damaged holder was affixed with double sided sticky fixers.

The replacement was fixed with blue tac and just in time for the visit by the CEO and her suited entourage.

The man who carried out this repair drove two hours from Leeds and I guess the same back.

I could have popped to W H Smith and bought some sticky fixers and completed the task as work experience.

I am told more important visitors arrive tomorrow, I hope nothing is broken before they arrive.

Or Working Links might have to dig deeper into the European fund.

There was nearly a disaster as one of the suits inspected the job board and pulled at the one next to the replacement. Image the fuss if he hand pulled the one affixed with Blue Tac!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Latest Job Vacancies at Working Links Leicester

The Latest Job Vacancies at Working Links Leicester

Working Links Helped No One Into Work This Month

Working Links Helped No One Into Work This Month according to the poster.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Working Links Leicester 60 Charles Street

It pays to complain, after a meeting with management at working links, I have  been transferred 60 Charles Street. I keep my same good advisor Nadia and have no restriction on how long I spend job searching. The Charles Street Working Links is much like the induction video I was shown some months ago.

The Internet connection is super fast, I do feel sorry for those job seekers who have no choice and have to use the slow connection at Oakham Library.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Working Links Leicester

A wall of the new John Lewis store. Highcross ...
Sorry another moan about working Links Leicester.

When you fiirst attend working Links Leicester you are told how important CV's are, this is no longer true.
Many comanies no longer accept CV's our own Council Rutland County Council don't accept CV's

But still advisors at Working Links insist their clients keep wasting time and paper sending them out.

Two weeks ago after moaning about my referal to another company, who would be paid  to give me  four weeks basic office training. An adivsor suggests I wrote to five retailers of my choice and send them my CV and ask for a job or work exeperience. I  did this and two weeks on I received one reply from John Lewis, the reply is the standard sent out by many companies.

.......... ending in We appreciate your time and
enthusiasm shown to join our branch, however unfortunatley John Lewis Leicester no longer accept CV's as a form of application. We thank you for  considering us within *you employment search and wish you luck in the future.

*good to see John Lewis can make typiing errors like me.

I learnt a long time ago this process of application was no longer acceptable, after making follow up enquireries with Boots, I found most employers now use web based comapnies, they vet applications, as is the case with Boots a job can be advertised with the Jobcentre and once a set amount of application are received the application is pulled from the site. A store manager told me they can no longer have any input regarding recruitment.

 So I wonder when Working Links are going to inform their advisors and bring them up to date.

If employers don't speak to people anymore, this could explain why Working Links has no arragements with any employers to provide the compulsary four weeks work experience that is part of the so called New Deal Scheme and can only offer very basic classroom  based courses .

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Working Links Leicester Performance Manager Scores Nill Points

Working Links Leicester's Sophia Franzen Performance Manager Scores Nill Points for performance
It a poor show if you can not spell you clients name correctly.

I would expect the system to at least accurately record details of your commodities, oops sorry clients.

'Working Links
1st Floor
6 Millstone Lane


Dear Martin Brooks

I am sorry you have been unhappy with the service you have received from Working Links
recently. It has been brought to our attention that comments have been made on the internet
regarding Working Links by yourself.

We have been unable to contact you via telephone due to there being are no telephone/mobile
numbers on the system. I would like to invite you in for an appointment with Sophia  Franzen Performance
Manager  and Paul Maynes Personal Consultant to discuss and resolve the matter.

The appointment is Friday 1st October  at 10.00 am..

We value feedback as it help us to make changes and improve the service we give our customers. We appreciate any feedback about your experience with Working Links.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.

Sophia Franzen

Performance Manager

I would not want to think my advisor Nadia was in any trouble, she is not crazy like the one I experienced at In Training.

She left or was sacked and they kicked me back to the Job Centre, so much for wanting to hear from your customers. Of course the crazy woman now works for Working Links.

The only good thing is with working links is the free coffee, Apex treats its customers worse than dogs if you can't afford the vending machine the suggested the toilet tap for refreshment.

All these companies are exploiting the unemployed and ripping of the tax payer. Some have been exposed in the national press.The sooner these contracts expire and the government gives back job search to the job centre the better it will be for all.,

Saturday, September 18, 2010

New Deal Tax Payers Rip Off Working Links Leicester

New Deal Tax Payers Rip Off Working Link Leicester

I have decided to blog what New Deal really is!

For many months now I have attended Working Links in Leicester as part of New Deal.
Working Links provides no service for the long term unemployed.
A service the tax payer funds they won't tell me how much they receive each week I attend to do job search and just to have that logged.

For over two months I asked to see my advisor, I was told there was more needy causes.

All I can say I hope they have been out of work for longer than three years.

I often see people who need  basic help such as using computers not getting that help.

I don't believe it is the local staff's fault.

The more referrals, the more income, so the unemployed are just a commodities.

Hers is a photo diary of New Deal Working Links Style today.

The first task is to write a cheque,
to pay for the train to Leicester

I leave my home at 9.30 am
 and head for the bank

I arrive at the bank

Welcome to
National Westminster Bank
Oakham  Branch

Now I have £12 cash it's off to Oakham Station
to buy the Ticket, Tax Payers will refund this
money later , Cash down the drain.

I arrive at the booking hall at Oakham
station at 10.00 am

I purchase my ticket,
I always obtain a receipt.
Working Links constantly
changes procedures
and no longer requires one

East Midlands Train Ticket an Receipt

The East Midlands Train To Leicester
arrived early, so we waited for the
correct departure time

I arrive at Leicester station
at 10.50 am

I arrived at Working Links at
11.00 am

Working Links has a very
dated image, I  think that is a record

On arrival I sign in and once again my name is not on the list

I make a coffee to drink whilst having another
look at the Leicester Mercury Job Section

The only problem is all the copies of this
weeks Leicester Mercury have vanished!
I am treated to some leaflets from Working Links

A Handy Tip

I take my own computer because Working Links does not provide enough,
if you do wait to use theirs, the staff are very keen to get you off and pass you
to a advisor who logs your job search.

A production line of job seekers!

I see a advisor not pictured here
he is  large ex school teacher
who has burgers on his mind.
He logs my job search and has a chat
he still thinks he is at school, as he says
I tell all my children! he stops and says sorry.
(last weeks advisor has gone back to university
so you can see working links is employing people
who are experienced in helping people back to work)

The advisor drew a burger  to explain how I should contact 5
employers to ask for work or unpaid work experience.

That's it New Deal from Job Centre  Plus and Working Links Leicester

I departed at 12.00

Then I headed to the bank to repay the money at the bank
before  Weatherbys notice I had borrowed their money

One of the good things about the holding of a Private Bank
account you can avoid the queuing if the branch has one of these

Its a good thing because this branch has only two windows open 
 and the new robots taking up the place of three previous windows
can't count £2 coins!