Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Working Links Job Seekers Leicester This Way

Working Links Job Seakers Leiceter This Way

It's all change at working links once again, no appointed adviser. 

Some advisers have once again chosen to go off sick.

When you hear advisor so unhappy it does not give you much motivation to want to work.

I know a couple were of really sick, I wonder if the Working Links days lost to sick is as high Rutland County Council.

Although I guess the threat of redundancy at the council may have helped Mrs Briggs reduce this figure.

Senior  staff tell off staff in front of clients for sitting at desks.

Clients can only sit at desk.

Its one of those American things that does not work too well here in Britain.

The British worker likes their own space at work.

Today a member of staff broke a plastic holder used to display latest jobs.

Working Links sent a man and toolkit to remove and replace the damaged item.

The damaged holder was affixed with double sided sticky fixers.

The replacement was fixed with blue tac and just in time for the visit by the CEO and her suited entourage.

The man who carried out this repair drove two hours from Leeds and I guess the same back.

I could have popped to W H Smith and bought some sticky fixers and completed the task as work experience.

I am told more important visitors arrive tomorrow, I hope nothing is broken before they arrive.

Or Working Links might have to dig deeper into the European fund.

There was nearly a disaster as one of the suits inspected the job board and pulled at the one next to the replacement. Image the fuss if he hand pulled the one affixed with Blue Tac!