Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oakham Town Council Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Wednesday October 20th 2010

Oakham Town Council Parks and Recreation Committee Meeting Wednesday October 20th 2010

At the start of the meeting Cllr Joyce Lucas officially welcomed the new co-opted Councillor Matthew Taylor. Certainly a good replacement for me and much better looking. Councillor Charles Haworth did not mind him taking a seat next to him.

I still think it was a error by the town not welcoming me when I took my seat all those months ago.

Councillor Taylor was most certainly at home with his first meeting planning. Planning is his day job.

Apologies were received from the Mayor Cllr Sharon Spencer. None were received from Cllr Swiffin. (no comment)

The minutes of the previous meeting were disputed by Councillor Charles Haworth and amended some concern relating to work to be carried out on the stone plaque on the bandstand and how this was described. I am pleased he is concerned about the plaque after his previous suggestion the roof should be removed.

It was agreed there will be an extra meeting next week, so the Town Council can consider the revised Tesco Planning application.

Deputations were heard from  members of Oakham Action. speaking against the so called Eco development along Uppingham Road proposed by Jeakins Wier Ltd.

I agree with them.

The Council considered Jeakins Weir’s application.

It was noted the site of the old gallows had been renamed by a unknown to Windmill Mound. I guess it sounds nice in the estate agents brochure.

Councillor Lorna Gray hoped the bodies would haunt any future home owners.

Councillor Charles Haworth said if this is not an important site to protect in Oakham then nothing is.

I feel Oakham Town Council should become more proactive and start seeking protection for a lot more of our local heritage. They might be surprised at how little is listed or protected.

All Councillors voted against the application to build 112 homes.

Oakham Action departed and the council considered various other applications.

One application caused concern for Cllr Mark Woodcock he was annoyed the applicant had appeared to half built his new super size shed, before the matter had been considered by both councils.

This was highlighted by Cllr Joyce Lucas who had looked over a fence.

I can understand his frustration but the owner may not have know he needed to apply for planning. I would not need to get planning in my road, but another road you may be required to do so.,

I hope if he was a Councillor a few years ago he took the same stance when our own MP presented the Council with retrospective planning applications.