Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Rutland County Council Tesco

Dear Mr Brookes

To confirm, your question for the Council meeting on Monday 11 October 2010 has been accepted by the Chief Executive as follows:-

"Can Councillors trust Tesco to be provided with truthful and accurate information, after Mrs Bean gave information at the planning committee meeting that was inaccurate and not contained in the retail report she refered to?"

The definition of a Deputation is "a group of people appointed to represent others".  An individual is not permitted to make a Deputation on behalf of himself/herself and your request to make a Deputation as an individual, is therefore not permissible.

If you require any further clarification regarding speaking at Council meetings, please refer to Procedure Rules 28 and 29 previously emailed to you.

Democratic Services

As I can not speak to my Council I will just stick this here I don't have time to set up a group before Thursday noon.
I am not sure they are going to accept my new group 'I love Rutland County Council and Trees' 

Question/deputations for the 11th October 2010 Special Council meeting


Martin Brookes Oakham Resident.
13 Willow Crescent
LE15 6EQ

It is important for me to state I am not Anti Tesco.

I am against the destruction of the local environment, Tesco Claims like many large companies claim green, so why the need for extra tarmac the effect this will have on their neighbours is not needed.

The store is often over shopped, so I agree there should be extra sales space. There is no need for extra parking, people who can walk need to walk more often.

At the last Planning Licensing committee Tesco sent Mrs Bean to represent them, at this meeting she quoted inaccurate information.

I am concerned she may have given more.

Can I asks each Councillor present can you trust Tesco and their representations?

How many of you have read the complete application?

I spent nearly 3 hours at  Oakham Town Council scanning through all the documents, I and this still did not give me time to read all the documents.

To Finish I would hope Tesco would refrain from making up quotes and only quote things that are published in the relevant documents they refer to and not say something is in a report when clearly it is not.

thank you.

Five minutes. If I take a stop watch thats gives me about 9 senconds to read each word of the question they will allow me to read!
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