Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Oakham Town Council Correction

After a meeting with the Clerk Richard White Earlier Today I agreed to publish a correction.

In my last blog about Oakham Town  Council I said the Clerk and Cllr Swiffin were lying to the council regarding his absence.

Councillors are said to be upset about this statement. Mr White says Cllr Dewis visited Cllr Swiffin and as we know Cllr Dewis is an expert in most fields of expertise. He departed concluding Cllr Swiffin was in fact ill that day.

I wont apologise to the council or Mr Swiffin because he has lied to the council in the past.

I hope Mr Swiffin is better soon and maybe it wont be noticed he hardly ever attends meetings. or maybe he will consider his position
possible with the help of another Dewis visit and his ward can have a Cllr they deserve.