Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Oakham Town Council Meeting Tonight

Oakham Town Council

meeting tonight at 7.00 pm Victoria Hall, Oakham

A few interesting points on tonights agenda.

Grit Bins to decide weather to sell one to Rutland County Council.

Survey of Oakham Traders to assess the effects on businesses of the forthcoming closure of RAF Cottesmore.
I am guessing this has been dreamt up by Cllr Alf Dewis, the sort of pointless exercise a former Rutland County Council employee would conduct.

I suggest in the light of Cllr Woodcocks recent comment. The central ward Cllrs just get of their backsides and go and talk and listen to the traders and don't waste money on surveys. If it helps I am told most residents from Cottesmore drive into Stamford to shop.

Staff Appraisal may be discussed in secret session? I am assuming this is because once again the Town Council don't want the public to know how public funds are spent when it comes to staffing costs. The Assistant Clerk deserves every penny she earns. She covers for the over paid Clerk every time he runs of sick to plant a new hedge in his garden. The council do not pay her at a higher rate when he is off and she does his job. She earns less than £10 an hour for a huge responsible job its a pity unlike the Clerk she did not have friends on the council when her contract was drawn up.

Oakham Town council Draft Budget should be interesting.

Christmas arrangements

Banking arrangements.

A dangerous move I believe and something I hope will be considered in the council risk management.
The council is switching to internet banking and will be setting daily limits for internet payment to be accessed by the Clerk, Previously payments have always complied with financial regulation and two Cllrs have signed cheques. What happens if the clerk goes off sick because when he has read my blog again? is he going to leave the log in details on a post-it?

No surprise no one went out to find ten signatures calling for an election, for the South East Ward, Ten signatures needs to go as soon as the council says it wishes to co-opt applicants come forward and I still believe these people should be put forward to a public vote not co-opted by friends on the council.

Tesco Stores is putting forward a application to destroy more trees!

Hawksmead is submitting further plans.

The public are welcome to attend and can speak at the appointed moment and they should cllrs are now claiming they will listen to you. It is  much easier to speak to Town Councillors use them to speak to Rutland County Council a much more difficult group to talk to at meetings.