Friday, November 26, 2010

Oakham Town Council next full meeting Victoria Hall Oakham

Oakham Town Council next full meeting Victoria Hall Oakham

This is held in the Gold Room.? on Wednesday 1st December 2010  8.00pm a bit later than normal I assume this is so Councillor can go through the farce that is interviewing a few members of the public who want an easy entry into the Council and the lucky person will be co-opted later.

The Council Chamber
Victoria Hall
High Street 

Not much on the agenda.

Once again the Town Council will appoint a new Councillor due to lack of interest from the public.

The will also consider an application by the Cottesmore Hunt to use Cutts Close on Monday 27th December.

They will also consider two planning applications.

APP/2010/1102/APB Mr Adrian Palmer
Erection of new detached garage and conversion of existing garage into a playroom
36 Stamford Road Oakham

APP/2010/1172/DTR Trustees of Victoria Hall 
Publish Post

Installation of notice and events panel to front elevation of building
Victoria Hall 39 High Street

And last will it be third time lucky for the clerk Cllrs will discuss the Third Draft Budget and make any appropriate decisions thereon.

Councillors decided not to increase the council tax burden for next April just before elections in May and a considerably large wage increase and contractors charges are likely to increase so it is making it a difficult task to set the budget for 2011 -2012