Sunday, November 07, 2010

Oakham Town Council Notice Board

I am getting fed up with the subject of the Town Council notice board appearing in comments all over my blog.

It is clear this person is attempting to discredit me and has an unstable mind reading their other offensive comments.

And quite frankly, I am no longer a Town Councillor and don't care what this demented person and their friends think.

They say I owe the Town! I owe this town nothing, I did the town a big favour getting rid of the trash from Oakham Town Council. This was acknowledged by the two faced gossip mongering Cllr Joyce Lucas who said at the time she was pleased to see Cllr Tyers, Cllr Harrison and Kelly depart. I am guessing their friends like Mr Burton of Berridge Taxis was not, disgusting Twitter Campaign.

For exposing the drunken Cllr who has now resigned I have been bullied for over a year by cowards who have conducted on-line attacks, committed crime through the postal system and inconvenienced many companies who advertise in the Daily Mail.

They used  Cllr Barrie Roper also Chair of the police authority to stop police taking any action  against them.

The Town Clerk with the help of one of the most vile and nasty creepy councillors, Cllrs Alf Dewis set about stopping me carrying out my duties as a Councillor. Standards for England have received an admission this was the case. The decided with other unknown Councillor I could not be trusted. Hence the fitting of extra lock on the previously unlocked doors. This angers me most what gives them the right to obstruct any Councillor in that way they had no right.

Cllr Joyce Lucas informed the press I had filled a notice board with porn this was a big lie, along with the false statement I had smashed the notice board. Leading to the ridiculous comments on this blog.

Cllr Joyce Lucas you can not be on both sides, you behaviour is so strange. If your not discrediting me with your gossip to strangers, Friends and employers in our town you grabbing hold of me and kissing me in the council chamber and then you tell the police it is because they are unkind to me!

Oakham Police did not release details of my caution this was left to Cllr Joyce Lucas and other Cllrs.

I repeat I do not owe the town anything.

Yes after over a year of bullying from Cllrs and their friends, I decided to display two small images sent to me and other material along with typed threats and was arrested for displaying offensive pictures.
The same images Inspector Monks and other Oakham police officers had deemed not offensive previously.

I did not damaged the notice board, if correct tools were used by the hall handy man there would have been no damage.  Restorative justice was mentioned by PC Icke, I offered to buy a new lock £4.99 from Wilko and fit it. I also offered to pay a cash sum.

PC Icke visited Victoria Hall and the manager said she did not want to pursue financial compensation from me.

Some time passed and PC Icke offered me a caution and was very keen for this matter not to go through the courts. I personally did not mind . He also told me he was under immense pressure to charge me and not offer a caution.

He did not tell me who or where this pressure was coming from, but I can only assume this came from local Cllrs. All of whom promptly signed a complaint to Standards for England, without knowing all the facts, but knowing this would  help them with their cause to get rid of the councillor they did not want.

So as you can see I had no control about the outcome don't owe the town money.

If anyone is at fault here it is The Town Clerk Richard White who agreed to pay half of the cost when visited by the hall manager. I suggest you make him pay as no Councillor authorised this payment from the tax payer.

I have been very open and honest about this. I brought up the payment at the council meeting no one else was going to and the Clerk was not keen on me bringing up the subject at the meeting.

Soon we will here the standards verdict of all the many complaints they made against me by Cllrs and Friends as part of thier campaign to get rid off me. I think this is going to cost more than £50. Yes it may be wrong to call Cllr Alf Dewis an Arsehole in a closed meeting if your a Cllr but lets not forget the human element this man pushed and pushed me! and then there is the time he physically pushed me and told the police I walked into his hand.

The principle investigator  is surprised the police took no action against Ex Cllr and Former Mayor  Harrison and his blog. To think this man has the cheek to complain about me. I hope standards will take the content of his blog into consideration before they judge me.

The police are happy to wave harassment orders against me for just mentioning the following names

Cllr Haworth ( Strange charactor a bit like like Gordon Sheasby enjoys a good Sauna, likes to feed people with little bit of info. Slime Ball would describe him, whether its giving me encouragement for photographing the former Mayor's Car Illegally parked or letting me know some Cllrs  are getting on a bit they will soon be dead and I could fill the space if I waited. He also told me Cllr Swiffen was not liked by Ex cllr Councillor Beech because he used to burgle old people and steal from Churches.)

Cllr Lucas

Cllr Dewis
 Ex Cllr Tyers 

Ex Cllr Kelly

Ex Cllr Harrison (Mr Harrsion apologised to me when he provided people with images used to bully me and I withdrew my standards complaint. I should never have done that. I took his word. He is a big bully anyone who reads his blog can see that and then he complains about me)

 Ex Cllr Beech (He wrote paper last week and complained about peoples behaviour at RCC meeting what a joke, Think back Beech! do you think its acceptable to hand out ties at a Town Council meeting of course it is you are an ex Mayor and Cllr who hate crooks like Cllr Swiffen, Clllr Haworth told me) And lets not forget your online behaviour and when I traced you by your server details you tried to get me arrested. All I can say is  I am pleased I don't live up to your standards. Lets not forget your application to obtain money for you fictional boys club from the town council and when they said you could not have any more money from them you complained to standards about there behaviour. £12,000 I believe. A little while later you got a part-time job at Tesco. Tesco you of course now support. I sat and listened to you speaking against Tesco at a council meeting don't deny it.)

It Stinks!!!!!

Although it is perfectly acceptable for them to spend thier lives talking to people about me at dinner parties. so sad really, I was pleased to hear one of the group spoke up for me. The rest of you really do need to get a life.

They should be dealing with the real issues that effect our town.

Cllr Haworth and Dewis are concerned about fly posting just speak to Cllr Peter Jones most of the large posters sited around the town are Live@museum.

Binge drinking, A group of attractive young ladies walking to Clays at  8.15pm last night stopped in a doorway and drank 4 bottles of wine and a bottle of vodka and a litre of Bacardi Breeze. before entering Clays.
They then leave all the bottles on the door step and pavement. These ended up at Tesco Recycling. As for the girls how long will they remain attractive you only have to look at some ex Councillors and few current to see the effect of excessive drinking has on them!

Now keep your stupid comments to this post and stopping spoiling the rest off my Blog!