Thursday, November 04, 2010

Oakham Town Council Set Budget No Increase in Council Tax Next Year

Oakham Town Council accepted a draft budget and politics have helped decide, to aim not to increase the council tax bills next April.

You would never guess an election is due next May.

3 councillors voted against the proposal and although I like the sound of no increase it may prove to be a false statement.

11 companies have tendered for  the grounds maintenance contract and I think that is going to increase.
The Clerks pay rise and other things will certainly increase.

This years bill did get a special page in the RCC booklet because it was to high so no increase maybe a good thing.

Some Councillors raised the issue of grant, Cllr Haworth would be unhappy if the CAB grant was cut.

The Clerk got cross with Cllr Tor Clark.

Cllr Alan Walters said he was concerned some local groups could drop in and almost expect to get funding.

He wont name them but I will name one the Oakham Festival the chairwoman was seen buttering up the Clerk yesterday for their annual cash sum as she handed in her request.

I am hoping the Clerk will remember what the auditor said when he advises councillors.

You cant just throw public money at groups with out justifying it use.

He hoped the council would sponsor an event at the festival and people could attend free then it would be money spent on all the towns people not just a few who pay.

Maybe they can sponsor  an evening event at the castle let the the people enjoy the noise of the strangled cats on stage as one facebook user described a previous event.

Of course letting people in  would  upset the elite M&S Pic Nics.