Thursday, November 04, 2010

Survey of Oakham Traders by Oakham Town Councillors

I am not sure if it is wise to blog this, Cllr Charles  Haworth suggested if information of this survey was given to the press a villian or fraudster might pretend to be Councillors and con traders. Really who would want to pretend they were an Oakham Town Councillor? I wonder which one will visit Jinkys?

Cllrs set up a working group to undertake a survey of Oakham traders to access the effects on businesses of the forthcoming closure of RAF Cottesmore.

Cllr Dewis does not agree with Rutland County Councillor Peter Jones who told him all Oakham Traders are doing well.

Clllr Walters question the point of the survey, he said if you speak to a card shop owner it was highly unlikely they could tell anyone where customers had come from. He could say 10% of his wedding photography came from RAF Cottesmore weddings.

Cllr  Lucas said while she was away she shopped in Llidl and the shop ask for her post code.