Thursday, December 23, 2010

Flu at Rutland County Council

As a person who has just got over the Flu, I have sympathy with the staff at Rutland County Council who are attempting to work whilst ill.

A member of staff said people are turning up for work and are they not being very productive. Staff fear the wrath of the Chief Executive as she looks for any excuse to wield the axe to assist with cutbacks.

My sympathy is only directed at those who not abused the sick pay system in the past.

I wonder how the figures currently look? the Chief Executive was pleased when the average sick was 7 days per month per employee.

It must be a crap place to work, for it to have that effect on people.

Or is it like my friends who used to work in the employment service, able to plan holidays at the beginning of the year, around the 5 weeks holiday and 6 weeks sick pay? entitlement.

I must say I and others have never found the Council that productive, so I doubt if anyone will notice any change.

Happy Christmas  to the 3 unknown monitors of my Blog xx