Saturday, December 04, 2010

Letter Received From Cllr Peter Jones Rutland County Council

Cllr Peter Jones sent the following email after I commented via my blog regarding the Hippo Prize.
I listened to Rutland Radio and I am sure Joy said she was pleased a family member had won the prize.
Another person told me it was her granddaughter.
I do not feel the need to say sorry.
This is the same woman who refused to accept my nomination when I was a Councillor to join her elite committee. 
Her friends sent me threatening E-mails, Mr Carey who subsequently resigned from Art for Rutland and her other friend from Music and Moore who drunkenly abused me at the festival.

Mr  Brookes

Re Your Blog – Hippo Trail Prize posted 2nd Dec  @ 10.30

You are completely right about one thing only in your comments and that is
“ I will most likely get done for posting this blog”.   Exactly right, you will. BUT not because you are the public champion for speaking up, NOT because no one else will expose corruption. But because your comments are a complete fabrication.

First because Isabelle Alston who I presented the Hippo prize to, is NOT Joy Everett’s granddaughter, and before you claim mistaken identity, Mrs Everitt has NO grandchildren.
You either concocted your comments out of spite for some reason which I suspect no-one will understand, or you were fed deliberate misinformation which you chose to publish without any effort to check. Either way you are guilty of a nasty attempt to smear yet again someone who works tirelessly for the public and the arts community.

You care not what damage you may have done to your victim’s personal feelings. You know nothing of their personal circumstances.

I and, I am sure, many others, now expect an unqualified Public apology to Mrs Everitt and her family plus a personal hand written letter to Mrs Everitt expressing your regret & sorrow.

Finally if anything good has come out of this, it will perhaps cast even more doubt as to the validity of the smears you have published against  people in or involved in the public & charity sectors.

Peter Jones

My reply to Cllr Peter Jones,
Dear Mr Jones,

i may be wrong about the relationship but Joy Everett in her own words on Rutland Radio said she was pleased a family member had won the prize.

Maybe you can tell me who she is? and her relationship.


martin brookes
As joy said in an radio interview it was a family why do I need to say sorry.

It appears some information was given in good faith and after I had listened to Rutland Radio.

I have never recieved an appolagy from any of your Arts friends for example Mr Carey and the woman from music and more.

I find the comments on my my blog tonight disgusting.

I have been out of town all afternoon and evening to return and find comments that mirror you e-mail Mr Jones. I suggest this is also one of your friends! Unless, course you have had one too many tonight yourself?

From Martin Brookes