Thursday, December 16, 2010

Mr G Bewley Oakham High Street Planning Application APP/2010/1200/DTR

Mr G Bewley Oakham Planning Application APP/2010/1200/DTR

Renovation of damaged brickwork to west elavation 78 High Street

The applicant wish to restore the first 9 courses of  brick by rendering, for the photograph it could be seen this had been rendered before. It may have been rendered before and removed possible so the old building could breath.

Cllr Lowe an expert in building materials questioned, why they could not match the brick, His company matched the roof tiles removed form the bandstand earlier this year when I was told  they were not made anymore. He and others questioned why bricks were not reclaimed from the outbuildings demolished to make way for the two new shop units which appear to have a similar colour brick. It was suggested "the owner sold the valuable reclaimed bricks"

So the Councillors recommend refusal