Thursday, December 16, 2010

Oakham Festival Grant Oakham Rutland Festival Oakham Town Council

Oakham Festival Grant Oakham Rutland Festival Oakham Town Council.

Oakham Festival is awarded £2000 no surprise there.

It seems the Oakham Festival has become the Rutland Festival, poor Uppingham!

Cllrs surprised me they have slightly grasped the idea you cant hand out large sums of money without asking what this money is going to be used for, but not quite all the way there.

I spoke at deputations and reminded members of my past concerns.

Cllr approved the grant providing the Festival Committee tell the council how they spent the money! and it is only used in Oakham and not Uppingham or Rutland Water.

Dear Oakham Town Council,

I wish to apply for a grant of £2,000 I will spend it in Oakham I will let you know later

Kind regards
