Saturday, December 11, 2010

Oakham Town Council Standards for England

Today I had an enjoyable day out. I returned to find a huge parcel from Standards for England this included draft findings regarding complaints from. All Oakham Town Councillors past and present.

Reading through it is clear these people have grouped together to suggest I am mad, have no friends and more. None of which is true.

It is clear Cllr Haworth knows more than he lets on, he is happy to reveal Doris Cook and Robin King, were responsible for the disgusting site called planetneptune used to attack me,  don't worry Councillor Haworth you are not being judged yet. You know who is responsible for the bullying, I have been subjected  to and so does Richard White who assisted with the removal of that site. One other point remember when they were attacking the late Nigel from Tesco, I came to visit you and within a hour the post had been removed.
As for the photographs of the ex Mayor Jan Fillingham, Cllr Haworth you told me you enjoyed seeing the photograph of her car parked illegally, but maybe I should not have put her name. I suggest you are very unstable, as I also remember at the same time we had a conversation about me becoming a Councillor and you said "don't worry some will be dead soon through old age so you wont have to wait long" You forgot to mention the vile threatening emails Mr Carey sent me from Arts 4 Rutland and his resignation when you mentioned that in your statement. You completely turned it around so it looked as if I had done everything wrong no surprise there.

Doris Cook I now know your sons name why did you say I followed him on Twitter and this was strange I follow 2000 people I did not know who your son was until today or even you had one. I do know you have a husband because of the threat he sent me via facebook.

Mr Beech you say your not a bully but you admit there was an incident at the beating of the retreat, I would say that was a good example of a thug.

Mr Tyers, Mr Harrison, Cllr Dewis you are the same as Mr Beech.

What I cant understand is why Standards can not see you are all a group of bullies.

Cllr Lucas when are you going to stop lying you say I never go online, I never read your blog, your name is often mentioned in statements people say I have not seen this or that but Cllr Lucas pointed it out to me.

Anyway whatever I say the officer is finding in all your favours and I hope you all sleep well knowing what you  have done.

Some of you question why I sent emails to so many people, when you are subjected to a group of bullies it helps to shout for help, but in this case you are so big, how could I win, most of you have big egos I have served the public for over 12 years how could I behave like he says, well you did.

I can assure you I am not mad. Looking at all the complaints Mr Beech made to the police is very surprising the police are fed up I think he has made more than me.

It may have been wrong for me to complain about your behaviour on this blog. I can assure everyone none of you have behaved any better, weather it be hate mail, comments, the orders for products and grave stones none of this is normal. And the behaviour continues with Cllr Jones commenting in a vile manner and Rutland County Council reluctance to expose the person(s) responsible for doing the same from the Council Chamber.

I find the draft findings shocking and will not co-operate further with Standards for England so you could say you won. You have succeeded in destroying my reputation.

For example the biggest joke is the finding suggests, I had power over Richard White the Town Clerk who locked me out of the office and obstructed me along with every other member that time. It suggests I am the bully. It  was disgusting how that man spoke to me many times 'Its like a football club here at Oakham Town Council follow the rules or get out.' he told me. If I had power over this man why would they never tell me how much he was paid! and if I had power I would have sacked him for his total lack of respect.

It is also suggested I have abused the police what a joke!

The only person who mentions what you all call me is Cllr Lucas to get herself out of trouble. She clearly says other call me a Paedophile, Gordon Sheasby Tells me he understands why  Mr & Mrs Tyers call me this because my photography hobby is seen as strange by you all.

In finishing Mr Beech why do you suggest your wife is scared of me. You silly man I don't even know who she is. I have never been violent to anyone in my life, In fact unlike you proudly boast you would like to resolve matters in a boxing ring. I admit I am would rather run away from confrontation and if that makes me a bad person then so be it!

The Standards Officer says I have shown no remorse, why? After the two years of hell, you have all subjected me to after Icomplained about the ex Cllr Fillinghams drunken behaviour why should I show remorse!

If a elderly resident came to me again saying she was being harassed by a drunken councillor I would do the same again. Cllr Fillingham made that woman's life hell. I provided her with some peace by purchasing her a caller display so she could ignore her calls.