Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cllr Lucas Oakham Town Council Lies

Cllr Lucas hasd told Standards for England she forgot people resigned when I became a Councillor and she had no friendships with any of them.

I soppose that backs up her comment to me at the time I am pleased they have gone!

I suggest she is lying and this is not something a Cllr should do.

What is this crap we have a common bond Photography! if this was true then you would not ban me from taking photographs.

You speak to everyone wont disagree with that some would call it malicious gossip.

I am pleased you say things got out of hand with the situation between me and the Clerk Richard White.
I would blame Cllr Alf Dewis for that. Of course after I left the Council Richard White became well and withdrew his complaint strange that?

Joke you claim you offered me the role of semi official photographer at the council!

No one asked me to help at the opening of Royces, I sent many emails offering to help and was ignored, when will Cllr Lucas stop lying.

Martin ambled over to his friend Jo and we all noticed; everybody noticed where he was because we keep an eye out really. (there is no point asking why? How odd you are Councillor Lucas and the rest of you)

I wonder why Inspector Monks would trouble himself with a matter of common assault, Now Cllr Lucas I grab you and kiss you a very unwanted move you went to the police and complained would that be wasting police time, no it would not be so why is it any different when it is you doing it to me.

Nice to hear Inspector Johnny Monks was trying to protect you because you are on the Joint Action Police Group and he invited you in for a 9.00am appointment and you clearly state Rutland County Council involvement something I have suspected for a long time. Helen Brigs calling you and saying she is shocked to hear you are to be interviewed and would you like Cllr Terry King to sit with you.

Joyce you can not compare you behaviour with our MP Alan Duncan coming up to you and greeting you with a peck on the cheek!