Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Rutland Chat Forum Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council

It was good to have confirmed who is behind the running  of the Rutland Chat Forum.

A forum used by Ex Councillors like Jim Harrison and Paul Beech,  Mr Harrison a member whilst a Cllr admitted providing an image to be used in that forum so people could comment attacking me. So I hope you can excuse my suggestion this has connections with the own Council.

The forum is mostly run by Tim Humphrey the son of a former Oakham Town Councillor not much of a surprise there.

moderated by Doris Cook from Melton Mowbray and ex Rutland Resident Robin King.
I publish these names because other residents in our town were also very unhappy with the way these people behaved towards them. I  think especially of the late Nigel who was subject to insults because of the visible scars of cancer on his hands. Of Course Cllr Haworth will say publicly he knows nothing about the forum  but as I have said in the past I visited him and his mother told me he does not get up before midday, so I returned to his home at around 6.00 pm and he shoved her out of the way. Don't worry Cllr Haworth I won't be publishing what you asked not to be recorded in your statement regarding your comments about you and your mother. Oh yes back to the purpose of the visit. I mentioned my disgust at the forum allowing the posts attacking Nigel who worked at Tesco after my visit all the posts were removed. Not bad for some one who does not know anything about the running of the forum?

He and other Councillors have been involved in a campaign to discredit me since I complained about ex Councillor Jan Fillingham.

If I could publish the statements you would see how all these people behave it is disgusting.

So called respectable members of the community showing how they bully by suggesting they wouild prefer to sort issues in a boxing ring.
suggesting they come back from taking the dog for a walk whilst they are read the procedure of interview.
One other is recorded as laughing.
One claims falsely I hang about their house. Another accuses me of stalking. Other say I harm them or myself.

This is a very small town so if any of that was true I am sure their friends at Oakham Police station would have dealt with that very swiftly. PC Sue Cockerel most certainly would.

They have tried to paint a picture of a person who just appeared around 2009 and is mad, but when he became a councillor we welcomed him with open arms, what crap!

It appears it is so easy for members of the establishment to say someone is nuts if they complain.

They complain about me sending many e-mails, if they had spoken to me and not excluded me as witnessed by members of the public, maybe they would not have got so many it was pure frustration. If they had not ignored me the first place maybe they would not have received a follow up. They complain I cc. to a number of people on the outside of the council, this was done in the same way many of them did, I look at their emails sent to standards complaining about me and a lot were copied to senior members of Rutland County Council clearly to gain their support and approval.

The most damming statement is "Martin Brookes made it very difficult to discuss matters at council  because he might blog"
Council meetings are public so what is the issue? I remember the public don't attend so its become a little club to do as they please!  So they had private meeting around the public meetings to which I was not invited. It appears these were quite frequent. I and my blog are discussed on a daily basis. They should have put more energy into carrying out the duties of a Councillor not spending the vast volume of the time deciding how to exclude me.