Friday, December 17, 2010

Rutland County Council Open Data

 Rutland County Council makes a further attempt to be open.

Data ImageOpen data is about increased transparency, about sharing the information that they hold with the wider community to build useful applications.

Rutland County Council says it is committed to this process and you will find all of the information that you require below.

Unless otherwise indicated the data below is released under the Open Government Licence.
Rutland County Council will aim to make things as easy as possible, there may be occasions when they have to change the format of the data that they supply.

Let them know what you think
Rutland County Council would be very interested in hearing how you are using the data that they provide. Email us at enquiries@rutland.gov.uk

File Formats

They use the following data formats on this website:

CSV Files
Comma (or Character) Separated Value files are compatible with all types of spreadsheet and data management software and can also be read and edited in a text editor. They are preferable to proprietory file formats such as Microsoft Word or Excel or Adobe PDF. The Government are recommending CSV as a suitable format for open data to be supplied by public bodies and are mandating it in some cases.

XML Files
XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a standard format for exchanging information. It is particularly useful for information that will be used on a website.

Terms and Conditions

You are free to use this data in a wide variety of applications and we licence use in accordance with the same terms and conditions as specified by data.gov.uk.


£500 Spending Information

The following files show payments to suppliers made by the council that are over £500 in value. The files are in CSV format and conform to the standard format defined by the Local Open Data Panel.

£500 Spending Files (CSV format)

November 2010 Information CSV File PDF File
Details of items of £500+ spend during November will appear on thier site by 15 December 2010

* Data for the previous month will be published by the 15th of the current month. i.e. for January 2011 will be published by 15 February 2011.

You are free to use this data in a wide variety of applications and we licence use in accordance with the same terms and conditions as specified by data.gov.uk

For enquiries about any of the data please contact rccfinance@rutland.gov.uk
November 2010 Expenditure (CSV File) (CSV, 87 Kb)
November 2010 Expenditure (PDF File) (PDF, 131 Kb)