Thursday, January 13, 2011

1p Saving Oakham Town Council Budget for 2011-2012 1p Saving

At fourth attempt last night Oakham Town Council set its budget for 2011-2012 saving council tax payers of Oakham 1p I am not a maths expert so I can not say how much of a saving that is once the 1p is divided between all the the residents.

The budget takes into account a £900 over spend on the previous year.

The largest cost is the new contract awarded to Cory Environmental (I knew I should have placed that bet)

So it's goodbye to VALE MAINTENANCE.

The Second largest cost is administration this includes the Clerks generous salary.

I wonder if they budgeted for the cost involved for their campaign against me, the Standards bill is going to be huge now the Ethical Standards Officer has refereed the investigation to a tribunal.

The good news for local people is as Follows Oakham Town Council is not asking for an increase in Council Tax (Precept) it is seeking £209.690 to spend as it pleases, 1p less than last year, Well done Oakham Town Council!