Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Another Oakham Closure Mc Meals Melton Road Oakham

According to Senior Rutland County Councillor Peter Jones, Oakham is doing well, so why has another business closed this month?

Cllr Peter Jones enjoys a considerable amount of refreshment, he is especially keen to point out you can take a bottle to Live@museum events and cinema.

I have spotted him staggering home on the odd evening carry his empty.
One evening this resulted in him accepting a sloppy kiss from Helen Pender along Oakham High Street.
I don't think his wife was very happy.

A member of the public narrowly avoided running him over as he was staggering in the road the other day during daylight hours!

Along with revelations from ex Mayor Paul Beech regarding his drunken week in Dorset on Facebook.
(Its still posted if he wants to hide the real Mr Beech, from us all he will have to ask all his friends to go private)

I was wondering if you want to be recognised and as a respectable person in Rutland, do you have to become a drunken bully?

Or possible join Oakham Conservatives Association or the Rotary?