Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Mystery of Citizen Eye,

One Oakham Town Council report published.

The report has now vanished along with the Oakham page?

Rutland County Council Communications Department?

It is known they were responsible for the removal of my flickr accounts.

Well the blog is still here.

That reminds me if any of the 150 Rutland Council Staff who are currently loosing their jobs want to send me stories for publication here. You can remain anonymous.

Stories on how cash is wasted are always of interest? in fact anything goes as long as its true.

e-mail me: martinbrookes@london.com

If your a member of public who has a story regarding Rutland County Council or Oakham Town Council, I am interested in hearing from you also. sensible stories please not just silly comments, we already know how useless some individual councillors are.

Stories must be backed up with evidence. For example the resident who has received very rude e-mails from a Councillor is currently checking their archive so these can be published.