Friday, January 07, 2011

The next meeting of Oakham Town Council

The next meeting agenda click hereof the Council is to be held on Wednesday 12th January 2011.  The meeting will start at 7.30pm. 

It is now common practice for Oakham Town Council to hold private meetings before or after the public meeting. There is no published agenda for these meetings.

It is not clear how much of the council business is decided at these meetings.

I was beginning to wonder why some Councillors were not speaking at public meetings!

I have been told some Councillors don't like me writing down what they say and publishing their comments on my blog. I question why they are Councillors? 

Councillor Dewis was very upset when I publish his comment regarding the returning of Rutland to Leicester last year. I cant imagine why.

A councillor should be accountable to the public they represent. 

Why does Councillor Charles Haworth always request his decisions are not minuted? 
What is he hiding from? 
If Councillors decissions were always minuted it might help when deciding how to cast a vote at May's elections.

Councillor Lorna Grey is one of my ward Councillors, she will get my vote if she stands again. She is not a coward, I do find some of her comments amusing at times. She carries out selfless work for charity in a way people should, you don't see her at every opportunity saying look at me in the Rutland Times, like another Councillor who illegally parks and fly posts the town. 
Fly posting is illegal a good source of revenue for Rutland County County if they enforced the rule. 
I read this week a council threatened a man with prosecution for putting up posters for his lost cat.

Rutland County Councils web site says fly posting is illegal and Cllr Peter Jones ensures the town is littered with posters relating to council events. There has been one poster on the ground near Wilko not far from his home for weeks. Enough of the one rule for us and another for them and back and back to Oakham Town Council:

They would prefer the Rutland Times was the only publication to publish matters relating to the council. 

The Rutland Times can not afford to send a reporter so they accept material produced by Oakham Town Council. slightly biased I think?