Thursday, February 17, 2011

Dear Mr Pook, Rutland County Council monitoring officer.

Dear Mr Pook, Rutland County Council monitoring officer.

Oakham town council meeting went well for a change.

I entered the chamber followed by the gentleman from Standards, I thought everyone was greeting me, how nice I thought!
then I realised Martin was the first name of Mr Martin Grimes from standards. Cllr Lucas was making a special effort to gain
a good report.

Cllr Haworth appeared not to declare an interest in the item about Oakham Gyms rent arrears.
The public were excluded and he remained, but departed half way through the item for a short a period a temporary illness I assume this time.
We were called back in for the Mayor to close the meeting,  Cllr Lucas was very surprised to see Martin from standards had returned, she made a audible comment to this effect. I believe this prompted the Mayor to follow correct procedure and tell us this time the outcome of the item in the normal Oakham Town Fashion, she might as well have not bothered. I am pleased she is going in May.

Moving onto May and the Elections, the Clerk said if the public wanted nomination packs they will be sent to RCC, current members of the council will be able to collect theirs, if they are standing again from him. Is this legal? can the Clerk act as agent for these councillors? I believe election rules are very strict and all prospective candidates must be treated as equal.

I am very concerned at the councils attitude towards tendering, one Cllr voted against a item on the agenda, this prompted a question after the meeting. Why had the Councillor voted against the purchase of computer equipment and services? He replied because the council had not tendered. He said he had spoken privately about this matter before but nothing had come of that meeting. It is refreshing to have a Councillor who is willing to explain his actions, (unlike Cllr Haworth who gentle shook his pen hoping no one would notice his vote when he abstained for another item.)  I fully understand the councillors no vote I often mentioned that subject and was shouted down by the Clerk. I wonder why he did not speak up at this meeting has he been got at the Clerk? We all know computer equipment and service prices are negotiable to many times the Clerk speaks with people he knows and gets what he wants. He confused Councillors during the item and I am sure at least Cllr Dodds does not know what she voted for. I will be blogging about this tomorrow along with a full report about the meeting. Is it a coindence a Nick is mentioned in one of the letters?

reading the letters from the computer company it is clear they know Richard well, just like the former Clerk who was given the flower and water contracts.

I was also noted how Cllr Dewis and most of the Town Council were in favour of Child Labour tonight....


Martin Brookes

PS. Cllr Joyce Lucas pointed out there are two signs on the library both included the name Rutland, She was very animated when she said get on and run your own libraries.