Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rutland County Council £19,000,000 Investments confusion?

Rutland County Council £19,000,000 Investments confusion?

Mr Barrie W Roper (Conservative) - KETTON WARD said he had seen press content regarding Council Investments and received a number of e-mails, he asked the council for an explanation.

It was good to just about here him over his mobile phone interference!

First I must say Mr Mark Wells (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD explanation "a few people did not grasp or understand his explanation at the public meeting rather patronising"

We all understood what was said, The confusion was caused by the Council describing the money as Investments.

There was a qualified accountant present who also found the councils presentation poor.

At tonight's meeting The Chief Executive Mrs Helen Briggs was asked how much money had been recovered from the Iceland Bank, she once again gave another figure she very hurriedly stated the Council had recovered £500,000 Why is she so inconsistent? What is the true figure.

Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council) waffled on and gave very a very vague break down of the £19,000,000 he described various amounts in the past tense, as we had at that date. 

It is not surprising the public don't trust the Chief Executive Helen Briggs and the Council when even a Councillor can not get a straight answer.

It can't be that hard to know how much money you have recovered Mrs Briggs.

The debate continued and
Mr Terry C King (Conservative) - EXTON WARD (Deputy Leader of the Council) said the public are not interest in finance he looked towards Mr Roper and gestured to him, from my seat it looked like he was calling Mr Roper a wanker!  he was shaking a zero at him to say he had received no e-mails about the £19,000,000

Mr Richard J Gale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD

Said the public deserved better explanations in future and the Council should remember the money is not theirs it is public money.

Mr Barrie W Roper (Conservative) - KETTON WARD

Said there was a Big Question regarding communication with the public.

He said it was a huge problem the press won't attend meetings.

The Council need more clarity in their press releases.

Mr Marc A Oxley (Lib/Dem) - UPPINGHAM WARD
asked how much money is to be recovered from the Icelandic Bank

Mr King waved a large document and Mr Oxley said he wanted to hear the amount from his lips
Mr King Said 85%

Mr Richard J Gale (Independent) - OAKHAM NORTH WEST WARD

asked about the  85%  had the council included  interest and inflation.

Mr King replied yes all losses were written off last year.

Mr Wells asked how much cash had been recovered to date?

Mr  King did not know

Chief Executive Helen Briggs mumbled a new lower figure of £500,000 ???

Is she up to doing her job? I can see a big saving coming soon.........