Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Rutland County Council 7 Options

The person at Rutland County Council who thinks I'm a arsehole posted this on my blog as a comment
Rutland County Council appears to have made a decision supporting 

They are set to do one of the 7 options before the budget meeting.19% of the 310 people who voted to support cuts.

They say how predictable:

How predictable

Quote from today's Cabinet:


9.1 The proposal to implement All pay was included within the public consultation
that has recently been undertaken on the budget proposals. The public
were asked to give their views on 7 budget areas which could deliver
savings by voting for the proposal they most strongly agreed should be
implemented. Of the 311 public responses received, 60 (19%) voted in
favour of this proposal and the general feedback was positive.

9.2 Further communication and promotion of the changes to the public will
continue over the next few months. The impact of the changes will be
monitored throughout the year.