Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Rutland County Council Imformation for prospective Councillors

Monday evening was a evening to find out what Rutland County Councillors Officers expected from Councillors
Unfortunately Chief Executive Helen Briggs could not attend she had to run home at around 5.00pm to attend a urgent meeting.

Miss Stokes was doing something far more useful she is convicting killers doing jury service.

So the evening was left in the capable hands of Geoff Pook, Head of Legal and Democratic Services, Rutland County Council.

He is not a bad public speaker.

The Following County Councillors were present to take part in a speed dating style questioning session.

Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council)

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative) - MARTINSTHORPE WARD (Chairman of the Council)

Mr Barrie W Roper (Conservative) - KETTON WARD

Mr Peter W Jones (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH WEST WARD

Mrs Janine Rodger (Conservative) - COTTESMORE WARD

Mr Hugh E G Rees (Conservative) - KETTON WARD (who is stepping down this May)

Mr Peter J W Golden (Lib/Dem)- NORMANTON WARD (was interviewed by Helen Pender, she learnt he knew more about her than she knew about him. Casting that aside she asked what do you do for employment he replied "I am Idle" (A rich Lib/Dem?) (I don't claim to understand politics but it does seem a bit strange here in Rutland))

We started with 9 members of the public 3 more joined us quite late.

I recognised a few people including Mrs Plews she stood against me and Cllr Alf Dewis she broke election rules with her leaflet and when I reported it Rutland County Council did nothing. 

Ex Town Councillor Alan Walters attended not sure why he had told Helen Pender he belong to the wrong party Labour and would not stand. He sat face to face with  Mr Barrie W Roper (Conservative) - KETTON WARD who he called a twat. I did not hear what they said but I imagine Alan probably
said "silly little old me"
Alan Walters signed of his resignation letter Little Old Me. You can view this at Oakham Town Council office.

During the presentation Cllr Peter Jones was giving me friendly glances (not)

After the presentation it was time for the speed dating with Councillors. I did feel sorry for the nice gentleman next to me as there seemed to be a label on our table saying don't approach.

Dr Hugh E G Rees (Conservative) - KETTON WARD (who is stepping down this May) He felt the role of a Councillor was to politically steer the Council, he also explained the role of the Scrutiny Panels, he said he felt Scrutiny at Rutland County Council worked aswell as it should. He felt Scrutiny should be your critical friend and policy maker.

Mr Edward Baines (Conservative) - MARTINSTHORPE WARD (Chairman of the Council) made his way over to us. We had an interesting conversation. He had first become a Councillor because he was green with anger about a issue, He has served both as a Independent and Tory. He said he enjoys the challenging role of a Councillor. He does not discriminate against those who did not vote for him, his role was to serve the whole ward and this was very important to him.

Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council) Mr Begy had a chat with me and the other man he knew both of us. I agreed not to blog the details of what was said. (He did not say anything he should not have said the conversation was not related to the evenings theme)
Although I am sure Mr Begy wont mind me saying he is concerned about complacency, The County needs people to stand in both Parish and County level.

I learned Rutland County Councillors are paid an allowance of £3,770 a year.

If Councillor are on committees this sum increases for each one. 

They also claim expenses.

I am awaiting a FOI request to find these details. I understand and accept the delay is due to the person responsible for providing this information is on Jury Service.

They meeting was very interesting and informative. 

It ended with a man asking a question are there any perks, like free parking?