Monday, February 21, 2011

Rutland County Council No Council Tax Increase

Rutland County Council Voted for No Council Tax increase this year.

Councillor Mr Gene Plews (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD congratulated Mr Begy for his budget speech and for not increasing the Council Tax for the next year.

I can assure readers this was not done by choice, central government dangled a carrot don't increase for the the next four years and we will reward Councils.

It is interesting that Parish Council will receive no reward.

Rutland County Council is expecting to receive £524,100.000 (Council Tax Freeze Grant) each year.

It is interesting to see Oakham Town Council costs the tax payer nearly 4 times the amount it costs to run Uppingham Town Council.

Uppingham Town Council appears to run an efficient tight ship.

Unlike Oakham Town Council that seems to be leaking money from everywhere.
They continue to use nearly 60% of its income on administration and staff costs. The Elite Club has been allowed to get out of control.