Thursday, February 10, 2011

Standards For England Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council

Dear Sir,

I am assuming you have note read the statements, I am not referring to the time before the interview.

I am referring to the unfinished questions and answers many typed with ...................

Only last night, I once again read some of the statements and found in Joyce lucas statement Alex Oram asked a question and what is typed makes no sense.

No disrespect to Alex Oram, but if he is an investigator, does he not provide a report of his findings? Point out the lies, to the principle officer.

Once again no offence to Alex but it appears he has only carried out the role of a statement taker.

The statements in the current form are not an acceptable transcript, I showed one to a local police office who said. Any judge would chuck them back at him and that's only if they got past his sergeant.

I was told Standards have a duty to deal with any breaches they come across in during the course of the investigation. So why have they not investigated Rutland County Standards to find out which members calling me a paedophile?

Why is Cllr Alf Dewis not being investigated for lying "when he says he and others witnessed me being aggressive to the clerk" when the clerk who also signed a statement says this is not true.  Councillors should not lie.

Why is Mr Mark Jones assuming things, has he not read the statements if he does maybe he could fill the gaps. it took me over 10 hours to read them, so I do understand if he has not read them.

Anyone reading them can see these people have all concluded to discredit me. They continue to bully me.

Not one of these people complaining are an ordinary members of the public, When I was a Councillor I showed total respect towards the ordinary public. These people show no respect towards the public, RCC Standards ignore my complaints. The Mayor  Sharon Spencer thinks its ok to laugh at the public, especially those who suffer anti social behaviour.

They blame me for the illness of the previous mayor who announced her cure of cancer within ten months. This woman was sacked by her employer, when he visited her during a previous time of sick leave, she told them she had cancer. Her boss cared for her and turned up and her home to deliver flowers and cards from work and found her drunk. A state I often found her when I used to clean for her home. I won't be blamed for her life's problems. Her mother and brother also died from drink and people were told it was cancer it is a disgrace for those who really suffer cancer. My partner died from cancer he was so ill he could hardly drink tea let alone wine or vodka.

Only the other week Mr Beech boasted on his facebook he was spending a week in Bournemouth with his wife fora piss up in the brewery and suggested he would be so pissed 24/7 on the Monday he would not feel his hospital treatment on the Monday. So please don't tell me I am meant to give these people respect.

Mr Harrison's friend Mr Burton is tweeting I am a mental, paedophile, and much more he thinks this whole case is "fucking hilarious"

I don't find it funny, I sum it up a bunch of drunken bullies who have made my life hell for 2 years since I complained about their drunk friend Mrs ##########. Death threats and intimidation in the street, vile comments sent from Rutland County Councils network. When will they stop.

Answer: when I stop blogging says Sergeant Dickinson!

They already assume the Judge is going to ban me from public office. its a shame I was not stronger and professional and the bullies would not have won!

It appears they have started to bully Cllr Lorna Grey a very respectable person. A local trader has told me she has told him, she has had enough and may step down in May. It is disgusting these people can get away with behaving like they do.


Martin Brookes

From: Mark.Jones@standardsforengland.gov.uk
To: James.Finnigan@tribunals.gsi.gov.uk
CC: Jennifer.Rogers@standardsforengland.gov.uk; Alex.Oram@standardsforengland.gov.uk; martinjbrookes@hotmail.com
Subject: Brookes LGS/2010/0537
Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:37:32 +0000

As instructed by the Principal Judge in his directions of the 6th January 2011 below are the comments of the ethical standards officer (ESO) on the representations received by Mr Brookes through your good selves since that date:

Mr Brookes refers to incomplete “statements” which he did not sign and that fact that this was ignored by our organisation. I believe he is referring to the transcripts of his two interviews with our investigator, Mr Alex Oram. With any recorded interview there is a period before the recording starts when pleasantries are exchanged and the scene is set by the investigator. Similarly after the recording of an interview finishes the parties may chat before taking leave of each other. It is difficult to envisage a recorded interview where this sort of beginning and ending does not take place. In the case of the first interview the investigator tells me that there was a discussion with Mr Brookes that lasted approximately 25 minutes before an interview took place.

An initial meeting had been set up by the investigator to take Mr Brookes through the investigation process and get his initial reaction to the allegations that had been made against him. The day before that meeting was due to take place Mr Brookes indicated that he did not want to be seen and did not want to give any information about the allegations to the investigator at any point during the investigation. The investigator persuaded Mr Brookes to meet so that he could at least explain the investigation process to him. When they met Mr Brookes started giving responses to the allegations that he was being made aware of. The investigator asked him if he wished to interviewed after all and Mr Brookes indicated that he wished to be interviewed there and then. The investigator agreed to do this. None of this was captured on any recording. It is assumed that this is what Mr Brookes is referring to when he says that “the typed statements are not a complete record of the recorded interview and there are to[sic] many parts missing.”

From information we have recently received we believe it is possible that Mr Brookes thinks the hearing of his case will be in Leeds rather than considerably nearer to his home than that. No doubt you can confirm for both parties the likely location of the hearing.

The ESO has no comments on the rest of the email sent on the 9th January 2011 by Mr Brookes.

The ESO is happy to arrange for officers from Standards for England to attend any hearing if the tribunal would find it helpful.

As you will see this email has been copied to Mr Brookes as directed in paragraph 8 of the directions of the Principal Judge.

Mark Jones
Principal Lawyer
Standards for England
40 Lever Street
Manchester M1 1BB
Tel. 0161 817 5397

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