Thursday, February 10, 2011

Rutland County Council Council Tax Arrears enforcement Alice Taxi

Dear Mr R. Begy and Mr  R. Gale

To save repetition I am addressing both of you in this email.

I went to the Magistrates Court yesterday for Council Tax arrears and was interviewed by two of RCC officers unfortunately I do not recall their names under the stress of the situation.  After which I insisted that I attend the court hearing although normally few people do under the circumstances and I sensed they would prefer me not to. 

In court I was allowed considerable time to speak out;  I explained the direct connection between my inability to pay my council rates and the loss of my earnings since the termination of the taxi school contract by RCC.  I informed them of the inability to resolve my long standing grievances with RCC, and was currently dealing with the Ombudsman for a second time. I took the opportunity to tell the court about the chap who several years ago slept rough in Cutts Close and the other who had committed suicide when they had been unable to pay their council tax and had been evicted from their homes by the RCC. 

Today, I received a letter from RCC advising that a liability order had been made against me. Another example of more pressure tactics that are imposed on citizens when they are under enough pressure as it is.  It is not comforting to know that quite a number of other people in Rutland will have received a similar letter.

No doubt you are familiar with its contents. Here it is in in part.
i)) Instruct  Bailiffs to seize your goods....... the council can apply to the Magistrates
for a warrant committing you to prison.

iii) Present a petition to the Insolvency Service with a view to have you made bankrupt.

iv) Ask the County court to grant a Charging Order on your property etc.

None of these proceedings will be instituted if you pay your arrears (including court costs) in full within the next fourteen days.

.... It is a criminal offence not to provide the information requested and refusal to supply information.  A fine of up to £500 can be imposed etc etc.

This request for information requires personal income details etc etc.

I write for this reason:

In the current economic climate this system unfairly discriminates against people who have been affected by the recession. 

Is this a fair action to impose on a vulnerable citizen such as myself who has been directly affected by the incorrect actions of RCC members who have caused my current financial situation?

Therefore, I ask for your help in resolving this matter.


Joscelyne Orr

P.S.  I copy this email to Martin Brookes for him blog. Please inform any body who is having difficulty to get in contact with me. If anybody is experiencing problems of any sort about the way RCC deals with their issues. 
It may help your case, if you knew Rutland County Council take no action, when taxi driver Dave Burton publicly twitters insults about the child he runs to school and complains they don't tip!

They have also been aware of insults tweeted about all his customers since last year.

And his insult directed at me whilst working.

I hope you listened to my advice and made the court a offer to pay, an offer you can afford, they can not make you pay more than you can afford.

They will only use the enforcement order if you breach that agreement.

So only offer what you can afford.

Whatever you had said in court would have made no difference councils up and down the land do this, they are obliged by law to collect the tax.

If everyone did turn up at court it would most certainly clog up the system.

I am pleased the court allowed you a chance to speak.

Kind regard
s from Martin