Thursday, March 24, 2011

All Saints Church, Oakham Team Ministry, Lent, Holy Week and Easter Services

Oakham Team Ministry

Lent, Holy Week and Easter 2011

Lent Lunches organized by Churches Together in Oakham.
Friday 12 noon at Oakham Church Hall

Stations of the Cross 
Fridays 11.30am All Saints Church Oakham

Lent Study Groups 

Ecumenical house groups meet for five weeks studying the course Read Mark Learn

A five session course based on the best selling Grove Booklet attending to Scripture by Canon Jonathan Baker, Canon Missioner at Peterborough Cathedral.


Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday 17th April

Jesus enters Jerusalem, a King on a donkey

9.30am All Saints Church Oakham

Maundy Thursday 21st April

At the Last Supper Jesus washed his disciples feet and invented Holy Communion, and people share his abandonment in the garden.

7.30pm Liturgy foot washing and watch until midnight.
All Saints Church Oakham Rutland.

Good Friday

Jesus hangs on the cross. The service begins with an hour of solemn liturgy followed by two hours of addresses. A time of deep reflection.

9.00am Morning Prayer at Brooke Rutland

10.00am Litany St John and St Anne Oakham.

10.30am Walk of witness Oakham starting at St John and St Anne 

12.00 noon - 3.00pm Liturgy and Addresses.
All Saints Church Oakham Led by Bishop John Flak

Easter Day 24th April 

5.00am Vigil & Baptism, First Communion of Easter followed by Breakfast at Ashwell.

8.00am Holy Communion

10.30am Parish Communion & Baptisms All Saints Church Oakham

6.00pm Evensong

For more information

Call: Revd. Bob Mackrill 01664 474 283

The blessing of the holy oils normally takes place on Maundy Thursday by a bishop at a cathedral

1- The Oil of Catechumens
2- The Holy Chrism or Oil of Gladness
3- The Oil of the Sick

Holy Communion Wine, is the representation Christ's blood offering to Humanity

symbol for Jesus Christ's body- the bread