Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ashwell Garden Centre and Oakham Town Council

I was surprised to see Oakham Town Council had reduced the budget for hanging baskets by £1,000 this year.

Last year we were told the bill was £16,000 the previous year £12,000.

Ashwell Garden Centre has indicated they would not be able to supply the baskets this year.

I pointed out the Clerk Richard White knows the owner of the Garden Centre and this may have been the reason for the contract being awarded to the garden centre. At no time did he declare an interest.

The owner of the garden centre is the former assistant town clerk.

The last two years the contract was not tendered, when I was a Town Councillor I asked the Clerk why? his reply was "no one was interested".

Last night behind closed doors the council awarded this years contract to Ashwell Garden Centre.

The Town Clerk declared an interest, stating that one of the persons tendering was a close personal associate.

Today I was given the following information.

Ashwell Garden Centre have been awarded the contract at a greatly reduced sum of £8,917.00

If the contract rose by £4,000 in 2010 can anyone explain why it has reduced by £7,000 this year.

The watering contract has been awarded to Mitsi Lanscapes around £4,000 less than the last years bill paid to Ashwell Garden Centre.

I think the figures show a very unsatisfactory state of affairs at Oakham Town Council.

I have been asked did the clerk pay for all the shrubs planted  in his garden last year when he went of sick?

I am hoping the surplus cash from the budget will not be squandered and returned to the tax payer next year in the form of a council tax cut.

Oakham Town Council needs to stop thinking the people of Oakham are cash points for them to draw money and spend as they please.