Monday, March 21, 2011

Councillor Joyce Lucas and Inspector Monks Rutland Leicestershire police, Rutland County Council

Councillor Joyce Lucas and Inspector Monks Rutland Leicestershire police, Rutland County Council

Last year when I was a Oakham Town Councillor I made a common assault complaint against Oakham Town Councillor Joyce Lucas.

After I reported this assault to the police Councillor Joyce Lucas was telephoned by Inspector J Monks from Oakham police station. According to a signed statement made by her she says Inspector Monks said "I am trying to protect you"

Before her interview at Oakham police station she was contacted by the chief executive of Rutland County Council Helen Briggs, she arranged for Conservative Councillor Terry King to attend her interview.

No action was taken.

Since reading Councillor Joyce Lucas statements, I have lodged a complaint with the Independent police complaints authority. Today I signed a form giving them my consent to communicate with the Professional Standards Department of Leicestershire Constabulary Professional Standards Department. I have little confidence in this department, so I feel this may be returned to the IPC to appeal.