Friday, March 04, 2011

Mr Gene Plews (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD Rutland County Councillor Electioneering? Woodland View Oakham

Mr Gene Plews (Conservative) - OAKHAM SOUTH EAST WARD Rutland County Councillor Electioneering?

It was good to see Rutland County Council Gene Plews visit our ward this week, possible the first time in four year?

He made the front page of this weeks Rutland Times dealing with a matter I touched upon as a Town Councillor.

The state of the grass verges along Woodland View and Burley Road Oakham.  

About three years ago Oakham Town Council purchased wooden bollards for Burley Way, this has not stopped one resident who drives around them for year.

When I wrote about Councillor Plews friends heavily criticised me for writing about it on my blog?

Although a large proportion of the damage is caused by a few residents the day time damage is the responsibility of The workmen at the new school site after speaking to the little build they promised to replace the turf once work is complete in the meantime we have to put of with lots of cones.

The workman appear to be parking on the road, now residents and Spire Homes contractors still churn up the verges. 

I think any new turf will go the same way. Some residents suggest double yellow lines. I don't see this will solve the problem, it will only push the problem further down the road towards those residents who are rightly complaining. 

A inconsiderate few are making our neighboured look terrible.

As the cones increase along Woodland View the vans move onto undamaged verges?

Over the last month I think Appollo have had their entire fleet of vans park on grass verges 
while they replace bathrooms for Spire Homes, The road has a 20 mph speed limit so its 
not as if they need to keep the road clear for speeding traffic, they do have to keep a 
way clear for the bus that often drive along the paths and verges.