Saturday, March 26, 2011

Oakham Town Council Burley Road Bus Stop Scandal

A nice new bus shelter has appeared on Burley Road Oakham, nothing wrong with that? Yes there is!

Last year Oakham Town Council spent £2,000 of tax payers money fixing, cleaning and painting the old one. Then they realised it would have to be moved to make way for the new school entrance.

They wanted to dump the shelter in Woodland View. As a first for Oakham Town Council the public were consulted via letter, the council received one response that could not be read out in public, So they decided to relocate the shelter further along Burley Road. The problem is the old shelter seems to have vanished. How much has this new shelter cost the tax payer.

Since I resigned from the council, I have attended every public meeting and can not recall any authorisation being granted by the full council for this expenditure.

I must say it appears the clerk and a few close Councillors are enjoying spending the tax payers money.

Did they tender for the supply of the shelter?