Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Annual Meeting of the Parish of Oakham Town

The meeting was chaired by The Mayor Councillor Sharon Spencer.

6 members of the public and 2 of those departed after collecting their prize.

Some current councillors attended this included: Cllr Adam Lowe, Cllr Maureen Dodds, Cllr Charles Haworth, Cllr Alf Dewis and Cllr Lorna Grey.

After the Mayor spoke she presented a prize to a lucky winner they departed and she went on to address the public.

She thanked all those who had helped and supported her charity fund raising activities.

She said the last year had been like a roller coaster, with its ups and downs and many Councillors resigning.

She said there were some positives and listed the Band Stand refurb, the green flag application for Cutts Close and Royce Recreation ground and dare I say it for fear of a sick comment a 5 star rating for the public loo of the year.

She went on to say it had been a privilege to serve as Mayor and she had attended over 70 events.

She then went onto say something about how some people had made her job very difficult.

At this point the meeting lost its purpose and a bun fight ensued. Involving myself Councillor Lorna Grey and Mr Tyers.

Very sad really, Mr Richard Adams only said to last week why can't these people draw a line under all this. I agree and it was clear by the lack of public interest the rest of the public have better things to do and no longer join in with a few sad peoples campaign against me.

I made it very clear I am angry know one deserves to be called a paedophile. The Mayor said this was not a town matter. I feel it is when someone posts on the School Face book page they need to protect the children form me and Inspector Johnny Monks can confirm this. This town is like a village and that sort of behaviour is very harmful.

whilst attempting to get accross my point the Mayor was shouting for me not to speak about those matters as they were not town issues as far as I was concerned it was a Town Council issue. She said she would call the police at this point Councillor Dewis moved to the door to get a mobile signal.

Cllr Lorna Grey said she did not like my blog, clearly a town issue.

Mr Tyers often said there was something wrong with me. I said yes angry with a few people like him.

The meeting ended after Mrs Tyer complimented the Mayor and Helen Pender politely gave her view of the dysfunctional council.

The meeting ended:

Mr Tyers said I was worse than a Paedophile and worse than anything he might step in! He asked when am I going to get a job and stop sponging!

£60 to eat and pay the bills is not sponging. I don't moan about it I just get on and exist.  

I thought by attempting to be a Councillor I would be contributing towards the community, sadly Mr Tyers and Cllr Haworth don't feel I am up to the job and seem to be attempting anything to stop me trying to serve the community.

I wonder why they can not see how they have destroyed the Town Council and those are not my words they are from a member of the public. Others say won't stand for election because the councillors are childish.

The local police did not attend for the first time in years, so maybe the are now attempting to change or are they just distancing themselves ?