Thursday, April 07, 2011

Cllr Maureen Dodds Oakham Town Council unlawfully gives away public money

Cllr Maureen Dodds Oakham Town Council unlawfully gives away public money.

Oakham Carnival is a registered charity and received grants, many thousands of pounds over the years from Oakham Town Council in the same way the Oakham Festival is given money to spend public as it pleases.

Last year a Oakham Town councillor joined the committee and had a huge argument with one of the male member and as a result the committee broke up and Oakham carnival is no more.

Cllr Maureen Dodds was left with a pile of cash. The Town Council was keen to see the money spent in the summer on a community event in Cutts Close. Every one was sure the money would be returned freely to the town council. There are rules they could have been applied but members felt this would not be required.

For example if a council awards a community grant money must be spent within  12 months or returned to the Council.

Cllr Dodds decided to close the charity incorrectly and most probably illegally, She says she has donated the cash to local charities.

As the money has been misappropriated I believe the council has a duty to recover the public money involved. Tax payer money is not collected to be given to various charities however good the cause.

Cllr Dodds shoudl have sort legal advice from the charity commissioners or better effort made to attract new committee members.