Thursday, April 07, 2011

Oakham Town Council exclude public and press to discuss Ashwell garden centre flowers and watering

Oakham Town Council excluded public and press to discuss Ashwell garden centre flowers, and the watering contract.

At Wednesdays Council meeting the public and press were excluded, when the council considered a draft contract to agree on any changes and to authorise them being checked by the council solicitor.

Once again public money is being spent on extravagant items £11,000+

Why the secrecy around such spending. Oh I remember because the main contractor was once the assistant town clerk.

Oakham Town Council are becoming less transparent as the days and weeks pass. I fear this will only become worse when I return to the council.

After a disagreement with Councillor Charles Haworth at the later staffing meeting he said "I was deluded and he would see I was banned from the council chamber for life"

Deluded? this man is deluded, sitting through most of the meeting unshaven, sneering and yawning and he smells I noticed as he took on the roll of bouncer last night in an attempt to chuck me out of the meeting.

Oakham Town Council used to ban councillors from sitting in and observing committee meetings and called the police if they refused to leave when excluding public and press. Not something common at most councils.

They have invented a new resolution where they can vote selectively an decide who can stay. Last night they vote to allow Cllr Adam Lowe could stay. I remembering my dealings with this council when I was last a councillor, decided to hold a peaceful protest and refused to leave. The chairman Cllr Alf Dewis stopped the committee meeting and said he would call the police and politely asked me was that ok, I said yes, because I wanted the matter recorded to show the disgusting way the council treats people. Cllr Haworth took out his mobile and said he would call 999. He was stopped from doing this and Cllr Alf Dewis went to the office with the Clerk and after a very long wait returned to defer the meeting. Saying Leicestershire police were not sending anyone.

Changes to Oakham Town Council Staff Terms of Employment

I am concerned about Councillor Alf Dewis and his qualifications to make so many changes at Oakham Town Council.

He was asked by Cllr Mark Woodcock deputy chairman of the council who drew up the new grievance and disciplinary policies, one for the clerk and one for the assistant clerk,  his reply was "I did" It surprised me Cllr Woodcock had no knowledge of such an important issue, maybe this is why he is giving up the Town Council in a few weeks time.

The council has given both members of staff 30 day to consult unions, before implementing the changes. These changes are very significant and certainly do need checking by the employees advisor's and the council should pass them to its solicitors for checking.

Skate Park

The Clerk wanted members to waive standing order 13a which states that all expenditure shall be in accordance with the council's financial regulations.

In plain English that means he wanted to give his chum £5,400 for work and alterations on the skate park. 
The quote did not state clearly the work needed and furtunately members were not going to let this one slip through and they refused to waive standing order, I  wonder what is the point of Oakham Town Councils standing orders? many times they waive them when it suits them. But in this case they refused the Clerks wish to do so.

The Council will now tender for the required essential works and ask for separate quotes for the changes the young people request. 

Good on Cllr Lorna Grey for pointing out young people are children not KIDS as Cllr Sharon Spencer kept calling them.

Cllr Spencer refused to vote as stating this was due to her being involved with the project build!