Thursday, April 07, 2011

Oakham Town Council Is Secretly Selling off a valuable Public Asset Oakham Fitness Centre Building

Oakham Town Council Is Secretly Selling off a  valuable Public Asset Oakham Fitness Centre Building

Oakham fittness centre is once again on the council agenda previously due to six months of rent arrears. I put that down to poor administration by the Town Council because after the full council recommended legal action they paid in full.

At last nights meeting the councils insurance was reviewed and the Clerk mentioned the centre had just been valued at £112000

The last item on the agenda was to consider a confidential report appendix J

The public and press were excluded at this point.

Returning to the meeting Councillor Sharon Spencer said "the council will be seeking a further valuation"

I believe it is in the public interest, the public should be made aware the centre maybe being sold. It sits on Royce Recreation Ground Oakham, I am told it was a former public changing room for sports activities that used to be carried out on the recreation ground. Being sighted on the recreation ground and in a residential area the council should not loose control of how these large premises are used in the future.

Oakham Town Council is a custodian of this property the public and residents must be consulted.

I have always suggested this building should be returned to community use.

All of public properties are used by so few people who can afford to use them such as the Tennis Club, Bowls Club and the Fitness centre.

The public receive rent that is peanuts compared to the normal commercial rates.

The building is  not being sold as first thought the lease is coming to it end.


The facility was recently valued at £112000 (not £120000 as I previously stated) for insurance purposes and the Council's insurers will be asked to amend the current schedule which has it insured at £100000.
The Council has already received one value for a market rent and, since this was substantially higher than the rent currently being paid, it will be getting a second opinion. 
This is what the Chairman meant when she stated that the Council would be getting another valuation.
The lease with the existing tenants expires on March 30th 2012 and the Council is therefore trying to ascertain what any new rental figure should be after that date.
To suggest that the Council is considering selling off the facility is completely incorrect.
Of course it is wise to receive more than one quote and of course the rent is going to be much higher because the tenant has been paying peanuts for years.