Showing posts with label 2011 budget consultation at Rutland County Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011 budget consultation at Rutland County Council. Show all posts

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Johnston Press merges weekly titles

Badge greenslade blog

Johnston Press merges weekly titles

Two Yorkshire weeklies published by Johnston Press - the Driffield Times and Driffield Post - have been merged to become the Driffield Times & Post.  Read more


Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rutland County Council OFFICER REMUNERATION Pay Rises

Unlike other Councils Rutland County Council is not that as transparent and does not make it easy to find the basic information other councils provide.

Most other councils make it easy to find details relating to Officer Renumeration, Rutland County hides these details like the loss huge losses made by Live@museum.

Rutland County Council has made many STAFF redundant, yet Senior staff  have received large pay rises. Carol Chambers pay is up from 75 k to 90 k. (no wonder she walks about looking like a Mill Street Shop window dummy, sorry drives around in her huge 4x4) the total number of Staff paid over 50 k up from 3 to 8 not including 2 new directors. 


The Council is required to disclose remuneration details by name of officers whose salary is
£150,000 or more. There is also a requirement to provide details by posts for officers whose
remuneration is between £50,000 and £149,999 or alternatively to provide a statement of the
number of officers whose remuneration falls within certain bandings. In this respect,
remuneration includes employer’s pension contributions and election fees.

In order to promote openness and transparency, the following table gives details by posts for
officers earning less than £150,000. There is no officer whose salary is £150,000 or more.

Below is a list of Post Titles Salary
including fees & allowances
Benefits in kind – car allowances

Totals including pensions

Chief Executive £129,334

Director of Development
(appointed from Jul-09) £65,494

Director of Community
Services £89,005

Director of Adult Social
Care, Health & Housing £89,005

Director of Children &
Young People’s Services £89,005

Director of Corporate
Services £76,256

Asst Director Children &
Young People’s Services £71,058

Asst Director Community
Services £71,482

Asst Director Adult Social
Care, Health & Housing £65,085

Head of Strategic Finance £62,816

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One Way Rutland County Council Wastes Your Cash

One Way Rutland County Council Wastes Your Cash!

For some time now Rutland County Council has been restructuring to cut costs. Passing the council offices
I started to notice a lot of perfectly good things finding its way into the bins. Today I was passing and a member of staff was disposing of these storage box lids. If you go to Ikea I believe these will cost around £4 each.

The council cuts grants to good organisations so it can spend it on what it wants and chuck it in the bin. It seems to me they have the same attitude towards tax payers money as Oakham Town Council easy come, easy spend!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rutland County Council, Communications Officer a waste of Tax Payers Money?

Did the tax payer know Rutland County Council pay a member of staff to watch my blog, every time I post they visit. They say it's in the Councils interest. I doubt if there is much for a communication officer to do at Rutland County Council. I expect the job pays well? Now he seems to have a family on the way I guess he needs every penny.

Rcc 2
[Contact Details] [All Activity]
IP:    [Trace
ISP: Star Technology Services Limited
Organization: Rutland County Council
Landed: Martin Brookes: Catmose Campus, Official Opening, Oakham, Rutland
10 min, 46 sec ago
13 July, 2011
02:19:08 PM


Thursday, April 07, 2011



Date of Election: THURSDAY, 5 MAY 2011

I Helen Briggs, the Returning Officer at the above election do hereby certify that the name of the person(s) elected as Councillors for the said Ward without contest is / are as follows:-

William CROSS
Hill Top Farm, Braunston Road, Oakham, Rutland, LE15 8UH Conservative

Oakham Town Council exclude public and press to discuss Ashwell garden centre flowers and watering

Oakham Town Council excluded public and press to discuss Ashwell garden centre flowers, and the watering contract.

At Wednesdays Council meeting the public and press were excluded, when the council considered a draft contract to agree on any changes and to authorise them being checked by the council solicitor.

Once again public money is being spent on extravagant items £11,000+

Why the secrecy around such spending. Oh I remember because the main contractor was once the assistant town clerk.

Oakham Town Council are becoming less transparent as the days and weeks pass. I fear this will only become worse when I return to the council.

After a disagreement with Councillor Charles Haworth at the later staffing meeting he said "I was deluded and he would see I was banned from the council chamber for life"

Deluded? this man is deluded, sitting through most of the meeting unshaven, sneering and yawning and he smells I noticed as he took on the roll of bouncer last night in an attempt to chuck me out of the meeting.

Oakham Town Council used to ban councillors from sitting in and observing committee meetings and called the police if they refused to leave when excluding public and press. Not something common at most councils.

They have invented a new resolution where they can vote selectively an decide who can stay. Last night they vote to allow Cllr Adam Lowe could stay. I remembering my dealings with this council when I was last a councillor, decided to hold a peaceful protest and refused to leave. The chairman Cllr Alf Dewis stopped the committee meeting and said he would call the police and politely asked me was that ok, I said yes, because I wanted the matter recorded to show the disgusting way the council treats people. Cllr Haworth took out his mobile and said he would call 999. He was stopped from doing this and Cllr Alf Dewis went to the office with the Clerk and after a very long wait returned to defer the meeting. Saying Leicestershire police were not sending anyone.

Changes to Oakham Town Council Staff Terms of Employment

I am concerned about Councillor Alf Dewis and his qualifications to make so many changes at Oakham Town Council.

He was asked by Cllr Mark Woodcock deputy chairman of the council who drew up the new grievance and disciplinary policies, one for the clerk and one for the assistant clerk,  his reply was "I did" It surprised me Cllr Woodcock had no knowledge of such an important issue, maybe this is why he is giving up the Town Council in a few weeks time.

The council has given both members of staff 30 day to consult unions, before implementing the changes. These changes are very significant and certainly do need checking by the employees advisor's and the council should pass them to its solicitors for checking.

Skate Park

The Clerk wanted members to waive standing order 13a which states that all expenditure shall be in accordance with the council's financial regulations.

In plain English that means he wanted to give his chum £5,400 for work and alterations on the skate park. 
The quote did not state clearly the work needed and furtunately members were not going to let this one slip through and they refused to waive standing order, I  wonder what is the point of Oakham Town Councils standing orders? many times they waive them when it suits them. But in this case they refused the Clerks wish to do so.

The Council will now tender for the required essential works and ask for separate quotes for the changes the young people request. 

Good on Cllr Lorna Grey for pointing out young people are children not KIDS as Cllr Sharon Spencer kept calling them.

Cllr Spencer refused to vote as stating this was due to her being involved with the project build!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Greetham Ward of the County of Rutland Nomination Vote May 5th 2011 Election Candidate, Rutland County Council

Today I was nominated by a Greetham resident to stand for Election
as a Independent Unitary Councillor for Greetham Ward of the county of Rutland.

The nomination was quickly seconded and assented by a further eight residents of Greetham, who I thank.

The ward includes:

Stretton and

Out of the twelve homes I visited, I was only rejected by two. One because the resident maybe nominating a friend across the road. Another said he could not sign anything and I must be a very brave person to stand against Roger Begy, I can't imagine why?

I am happy to accept the nomination as a Independent Candidate, my aim is to promote integrity and gain public confidence in Rutland County Council.

If elected I will work full time for the benefit of the residents of the ward.

I have no money or hold any vested interests and would work hard for the benefit of all the community.

It was a pleasure to meet and talk to so many nice residents in Greetham today.

I met and chatted with a couple of residents of Thistleton.

I look forward to canvassing all the villages very soon.

The current ward Councillor is

Mr Roger B Begy (Conservative) - GREETHAM WARD  (Leader of the Council)

 May 5th 2011

If your not on the electoral register you need
to apply for registration.
The deadline for registering to vote in time for the
local elections in England on 5th May 2011 is Thursday
14th April 2011.  You can find out more about who
can register and application forms at

 Published by Martin Brookes 13 Willow Crescent Oakham Rutland LE15 6EQ

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rutland County Council Budget Consultation

Rutland County Council Budget Consultation

Rutland County Council Consulted the people!

They asked the public to consider 7 cuts

This could deliver approximately £700,000 of cuts

Online you could have one vote at a public event you could have two votes?

Here are the result of those votes.

Whoever dreamt this up?!

Increase Community Care Charges 14 votes  4% of votes
Cut CA Site Opening 109 votes 34% of votes
Withdraw payment facilities at Council office 61 votes 19% of the votes
Cuts to Library Services 60 votes 19% of votes
Transport Cuts 25 votes 8% of votes
Cuts in highway spending 24 votes 8% of votes
School Funding Cuts 26 votes 8% of votes

Total votes 319

Friday, February 18, 2011

Rutland County Council Budget 2011/12 Full Council Meeting on Monday 17 February.

Council Budget 2011/12

Published:Thursday 17 February 2011

Following the recent public consultation on the 2011/12 budget, Rutland County Council's Cabinet members have agreed a number of changes to recommend to Full Council at their meeting on 21 February.

As a result of feedback from local residents, the following changes to the original consultation proposals have been proposed and agreed by Members of Cabinet:

• The 47 bus service (Belton – Uppingham – Peterborough) will continue. As a result of the feedback received during public consultation, the council has successfully renegotiated the contract to enable the required savings to be made whilst still continuing the bus service.

• The council is exploring working with Parish Council’s and/or community volunteers to assist staff in community libraries. This could help reduce the likelihood of reducing opening hours in the future.

The Councils Communication Department may not be aware Oakham Town Council rightly so told you to get on and run your on Libraries

• The Highways department will prioritise existing maintenance of roads and pavements ahead of starting new projects.

Leader of Rutland County Council, Roger Begy, said: “This is without doubt our most difficult budget year but also one of the best public consultations that we have held. We had an excellent response from the local community, with many people already understanding the difficult position we are in. As a result of their feedback, we’ve made a number of changes to the original proposals and Councillors will make the final decision next week”.

Roger Begy added: “As we indicated to local residents many months ago, Council Tax will not increase this year. The council is making some very difficult decisions at the moment and has already saved £4 million through reducing staff numbers, renegotiating of council contracts, a proposed alteration to staff terms and conditions, and changes to some of the services we provide”.

Roger Begy went on to say: “With many government funded projects coming to an end, the opportunity to make local decisions is greater than ever. This reduction in funding does mean though that some council services will operate at a reduced capacity”.

Cabinet met (Tuesday 15 February 2011) and gave their approval to the budget for the next financial year. The final decision will be taken by all 26 Councillors at the meeting of Full Council on Monday 21 February 2011.

Members of Cabinet also approved the Medium Term Financial Plan. This is a document that outlines council finances for the next four years and makes sure that any budgetary pressures are taken into account at an early stage and planned for in advance.

Public consultation on budget proposals took place throughout January.

With the council facing government funding cuts of 14.3% (2011/12) and 9.8% (2012/13), public interest was high with over 300 local residents taking part and submitting their views.

A full summary of the consultation is included in the papers for the Full Council Meeting on Monday 17 February.

Rutland County Council Chief Executive Helen Briggs Long Weekend

 When your a Bully and the Chief Executive of Rutland County Council you can take long weekends as an when you please.
This morning I sent a couple of e-mail to Helen Briggs at 10.53 she decided to go home.

Its amazing what you can do on £120,000 a year!

This is not deformation Mrs Briggs, I am sure you read one of your Councillors E-mails this morning?
Tory Bullies will never win!
To Martin Brookes


I am out of the office until 9am on Monday 21st February 2011. I will have access to emails.  If the matter is urgent please contact my PA on 01572 758203 or if you have the number ring my mobile.

Rutland County Council

Customer Service Centre: 01572 722 577

Visitor Parking Information & Map:

Email Enquiries: enquiries@rutland.gov.uk
Council Website: http://www.rutland.gov.uk
Visiting Rutland? http://www.discover-rutland.co.uk

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Tuesday, February 08, 2011

When Will Mr Pook Head of Legal Services Rutland County Council do the decent thing.

When Will Mr Pook Head of Legal Services Rutland County Council do the decent thing and stop protecting this sick person who is either an Officer or Councillor

Anonymous said...

Awww Martin, you're not still upset cos I called you a thick cunt are you? LOL, you've been called worse and with perfectly good reason!!!! Good Old Pook, I knew he wouldn't grass me up

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Oakham Town Councillor Cllr Mrs Maureen Dodds Drink Driver?

Oakham Town Councillor Cllr Mrs Maureen Dodds Drink Driver? Why?

I have been saving this story, I thought it was better to publish it nearer the to the time of the Local Government Elections.

Last year Cllr Mrs Joyce Lucas made a very serious allegation, she told me and a member of the public, a female town Councillor could not wait for meetings to end so she could jump in her car to drive around the corner a down a few drinks at the Wheatsheaf Pub and drive home.

At the time I was very angry, Cllr Lucas would not name the Councillor. I raised this at Councillors questions and she refused to answer. At the time there were only two other female Councillors attending and Cllr Spencer was very annoyed and suggested I was accusing her. 

For some time now I have attended the meeting as a member of the public and observed Cllr Dodds car outside the Wheatsheaf after meetings. Last night I observed Cllr Dodds drinking what was described by a member of public as shorts. We did not hang around long because these Councillor when doing things wrong have a habit of calling the local police and falsely accusing me of stalking them in a public place.

Drink driving is something  a Councillor in Rutland should be ashamed of but my experience tells me Drink Drivers are acceptable amongst members of Rutland's elite and their friends will go as far as bullying and threatening you if you point this out.

It is not acceptable and if you know anyone who is effected by drink drivers you will agree.
Cllr Dodds is a blue badge holder so she is allowed to park outside the front door of the pub on double yellow lines as often as she like and this prevents the public seeing her stagger to her car.
Unlike a former colleague of hers a the Town Council who does not have a blue badge she was often seen staggering to her 4x4.
Its a disgrace!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Cuts What Cuts? at Oakham Town Council New Benches Cutts Close

Oakham Town Council is considering spending money destroying six of these benches and replacing them with 6 new “Lions Head” benches manufactured by Broxap Ltd for installation in Cutts Close as replacements for those adjacent to the Toddlers’ Play Area.

This is a waste of public money and purely a cosmetic exercise and will incur extra painting cost in the future.

Each bench is likely to cost £549.00 + VAT plus cost of removal of existing benches and the installation of the new benches.

And why no quotation from another company?

The Clerk certainly knows how to spend the money "the council has a duty to collect and spend as it sees fit."

The above will be discussed at next Wednesdays meeting if you wish to make your views known the council regarding this expense please let them know or go along to the meeting and have your say.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 budget consultation at Rutland County Council

Around 75 members of the local community attended a public meeting organised as part of the 2011 budget consultation at Rutland County Council. Those who attended listened to an overview of council finances from Roger Begy, Leader of Rutland County Council.

Here is a summary of questions asked and answered from the Councils web site.

Questions from Public Meeting

Questions How much money is the council earning from off and on shore bank accounts and
who decides what the money is used for?
Answer The council has investments of £19.6m. It was explained that this money is nearly all
allocated and is often received in advance for major projects or work. Investments
are decided in line with the council’s Treasury Management Strategy.
Questions What is the latest situation with the council investment in Icelandic banks?
Answer Approximately 50% has been recovered already. We are receiving monthly
payments and still expect to recover 85%+
Question Why have personalized number plates on the bin lorries?
Answer The number plates belong to the contractor and the council has no involvement in
Question What is happening with the broadband project that the council is involved in?
Answer The Council is working on a project to deliver improved broadband across the
County. This will include bids for funding and an exercise to identify through a procurement exercise
a strategic partner. Local businesses have supported this process as they have identified current
broadband speeds as a significant barrier to growth and sustainability. The Leader referenced to
work BT have done on the ‘Infinity’ project to stimulate interest in improved broadband.
Question Rural Community Council asked why voluntary organisations are seeing a bigger cut
in their funding than local authorities are?
Answer The Leader explained that we face tough times and that the total value of support
for the Voluntary sector of £803k and the actual cut is around £50k. The Rural Community Council
highlighted the work that they do in villages. The Leader explained (following question from
member of public) that the vital services Rural Community Council provides are expected to
continue. It was also highlighted that the services provided by the Rural Community Council for
Parish and Town Council’s could still continue if Parishes wish to pick up the cost.
Question What is the latest situation with Cottesmore and Ashwell and what is the council
Answer The closure of RAF Cottesmore was announced some months ago, with the closure
of Ashwell being confirmed more recently. The Leader updated the audience that the council now
has dedicated contact at Ministry of Justice to work with on the future of the Ashwell site. A working
group has also been set up to address the economic impact of the closure of RAF Cottesmore and
the council continues to work with partners and the MOD. The Chief Executive said that we’re
working hard with MOD to find alternative employment in and around local area.
Question What are the salaries of the Chief Executive and Senior Directors.
Answer The Leader explained that all salaries for most recent completed financial year are
available on website. The Chief Executive works hard, does a good job, and has performed
admirably over her time at the authority and we would be in a far worse position now if it was not
for her work.
Question How many of the staff live in Rutland
Answer The Leader explained that although we had no figures to hand, a great proportion of
our staff lived in Rutland or in the neighbouring towns and villages.
Question Will the cuts affect the number of grass cuts in villages?
Answer The Leader explained that towns receive 16 cuts per year and villages 10 cuts. Parish
Councils can purchase extra cuts and some already do this. If these cuts are reduced it would only be
by one cut per year.
Question Is the council committed to village schools?
Answer The Leader explained that the current council policy is committed to village schools.
Question A member of the audience asked about an issue at North Luffenham pre‐school.
Answer It was agreed that as this was a local issue, it would be discussed after the meeting
and this took place.
Question What is the council’s commitment to climate change.
Answer The Portfolio Holder for Regulatory Services explained that the council is signed up
to the Nottingham Declaration and takes this area very seriously.
Question A resident asked about what provision is made for students going to Peterborough
on R47 bus?
Answer The Leader responded and explained the various public transport options and the
council position on denominational transport. Call Connect was highlighted as a possible solution to
some areas and Voluntary Action Rutland Community Transport scheme was also highlighted.
Question Will the New Homes bonus mentioned in the presentation sway the council to
making particular planning decisions in the future?
Answer The Leader assured the audience that this was not the case.
Question A lady asked about the sign that has been erected for new homes in Oakham?
Answer It was explained that outline planning permission has been granted. Many of the
audience seemed aware of this
Question: A lady asked, on behalf of vulnerable members of community, about the proposal
relating to community care charging
Answer The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care responded and outlined the council
position. He said the council is doing everything possible. Lots of service users will still receive some
services for free and the Chief Executive commented that the council would make sure vulnerable
service users were consulted during the next couple of years.
Question A lady asked to what extent RCC would look for developer contributions from
Answer The Chief Executive explained how the system worked for those who were not
familiar with this.
Question A gentleman asked whether the cuts would have an impact on the youth service and
the number of youth workers in Rutland
Answer It was explained that there is likely to be a reduction in the number of youth workers
and impact of this would be a reduction in the number of hours for youth groups.
Question A gentleman asked what was the point of trying to save 700k when the biggest cost
was the staff. Had anything been done in this area?
Answer The Chief Executive and Leader explained that £1.4 million has already been saved
through a staff restructure and that a further £0.5 million is being discussed through a change to
staff terms and conditions. 50 jobs have gone so far.
Question A lady asked whether the council is reducing the budget because it is an election
Answer The Leader explained that councillors take their role in budget setting extremely
seriously and that the budget cuts are being carried out due to the tough economical times that we
face and have nothing to do with the elections.
Question A lady asked for clarification as to whether the 20 bus service rather than the 28 bus
service stopped in Braunston and was concerned about access to services in that area if the bus
services were to stop.
Answer The Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways has agreed to review the position
regarding the village and will update the parish councils accordingly.