Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2011 budget consultation at Rutland County Council

Around 75 members of the local community attended a public meeting organised as part of the 2011 budget consultation at Rutland County Council. Those who attended listened to an overview of council finances from Roger Begy, Leader of Rutland County Council.

Here is a summary of questions asked and answered from the Councils web site.

Questions from Public Meeting

Questions How much money is the council earning from off and on shore bank accounts and
who decides what the money is used for?
Answer The council has investments of £19.6m. It was explained that this money is nearly all
allocated and is often received in advance for major projects or work. Investments
are decided in line with the council’s Treasury Management Strategy.
Questions What is the latest situation with the council investment in Icelandic banks?
Answer Approximately 50% has been recovered already. We are receiving monthly
payments and still expect to recover 85%+
Question Why have personalized number plates on the bin lorries?
Answer The number plates belong to the contractor and the council has no involvement in
Question What is happening with the broadband project that the council is involved in?
Answer The Council is working on a project to deliver improved broadband across the
County. This will include bids for funding and an exercise to identify through a procurement exercise
a strategic partner. Local businesses have supported this process as they have identified current
broadband speeds as a significant barrier to growth and sustainability. The Leader referenced to
work BT have done on the ‘Infinity’ project to stimulate interest in improved broadband.
Question Rural Community Council asked why voluntary organisations are seeing a bigger cut
in their funding than local authorities are?
Answer The Leader explained that we face tough times and that the total value of support
for the Voluntary sector of £803k and the actual cut is around £50k. The Rural Community Council
highlighted the work that they do in villages. The Leader explained (following question from
member of public) that the vital services Rural Community Council provides are expected to
continue. It was also highlighted that the services provided by the Rural Community Council for
Parish and Town Council’s could still continue if Parishes wish to pick up the cost.
Question What is the latest situation with Cottesmore and Ashwell and what is the council
Answer The closure of RAF Cottesmore was announced some months ago, with the closure
of Ashwell being confirmed more recently. The Leader updated the audience that the council now
has dedicated contact at Ministry of Justice to work with on the future of the Ashwell site. A working
group has also been set up to address the economic impact of the closure of RAF Cottesmore and
the council continues to work with partners and the MOD. The Chief Executive said that we’re
working hard with MOD to find alternative employment in and around local area.
Question What are the salaries of the Chief Executive and Senior Directors.
Answer The Leader explained that all salaries for most recent completed financial year are
available on website. The Chief Executive works hard, does a good job, and has performed
admirably over her time at the authority and we would be in a far worse position now if it was not
for her work.
Question How many of the staff live in Rutland
Answer The Leader explained that although we had no figures to hand, a great proportion of
our staff lived in Rutland or in the neighbouring towns and villages.
Question Will the cuts affect the number of grass cuts in villages?
Answer The Leader explained that towns receive 16 cuts per year and villages 10 cuts. Parish
Councils can purchase extra cuts and some already do this. If these cuts are reduced it would only be
by one cut per year.
Question Is the council committed to village schools?
Answer The Leader explained that the current council policy is committed to village schools.
Question A member of the audience asked about an issue at North Luffenham pre‐school.
Answer It was agreed that as this was a local issue, it would be discussed after the meeting
and this took place.
Question What is the council’s commitment to climate change.
Answer The Portfolio Holder for Regulatory Services explained that the council is signed up
to the Nottingham Declaration and takes this area very seriously.
Question A resident asked about what provision is made for students going to Peterborough
on R47 bus?
Answer The Leader responded and explained the various public transport options and the
council position on denominational transport. Call Connect was highlighted as a possible solution to
some areas and Voluntary Action Rutland Community Transport scheme was also highlighted.
Question Will the New Homes bonus mentioned in the presentation sway the council to
making particular planning decisions in the future?
Answer The Leader assured the audience that this was not the case.
Question A lady asked about the sign that has been erected for new homes in Oakham?
Answer It was explained that outline planning permission has been granted. Many of the
audience seemed aware of this
Question: A lady asked, on behalf of vulnerable members of community, about the proposal
relating to community care charging
Answer The Portfolio Holder for Adult Social Care responded and outlined the council
position. He said the council is doing everything possible. Lots of service users will still receive some
services for free and the Chief Executive commented that the council would make sure vulnerable
service users were consulted during the next couple of years.
Question A lady asked to what extent RCC would look for developer contributions from
Answer The Chief Executive explained how the system worked for those who were not
familiar with this.
Question A gentleman asked whether the cuts would have an impact on the youth service and
the number of youth workers in Rutland
Answer It was explained that there is likely to be a reduction in the number of youth workers
and impact of this would be a reduction in the number of hours for youth groups.
Question A gentleman asked what was the point of trying to save 700k when the biggest cost
was the staff. Had anything been done in this area?
Answer The Chief Executive and Leader explained that £1.4 million has already been saved
through a staff restructure and that a further £0.5 million is being discussed through a change to
staff terms and conditions. 50 jobs have gone so far.
Question A lady asked whether the council is reducing the budget because it is an election
Answer The Leader explained that councillors take their role in budget setting extremely
seriously and that the budget cuts are being carried out due to the tough economical times that we
face and have nothing to do with the elections.
Question A lady asked for clarification as to whether the 20 bus service rather than the 28 bus
service stopped in Braunston and was concerned about access to services in that area if the bus
services were to stop.
Answer The Portfolio Holder for Transport and Highways has agreed to review the position
regarding the village and will update the parish councils accordingly.