Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Rutland County Council OFFICER REMUNERATION Pay Rises

Unlike other Councils Rutland County Council is not that as transparent and does not make it easy to find the basic information other councils provide.

Most other councils make it easy to find details relating to Officer Renumeration, Rutland County hides these details like the loss huge losses made by Live@museum.

Rutland County Council has made many STAFF redundant, yet Senior staff  have received large pay rises. Carol Chambers pay is up from 75 k to 90 k. (no wonder she walks about looking like a Mill Street Shop window dummy, sorry drives around in her huge 4x4) the total number of Staff paid over 50 k up from 3 to 8 not including 2 new directors. 


The Council is required to disclose remuneration details by name of officers whose salary is
£150,000 or more. There is also a requirement to provide details by posts for officers whose
remuneration is between £50,000 and £149,999 or alternatively to provide a statement of the
number of officers whose remuneration falls within certain bandings. In this respect,
remuneration includes employer’s pension contributions and election fees.

In order to promote openness and transparency, the following table gives details by posts for
officers earning less than £150,000. There is no officer whose salary is £150,000 or more.

Below is a list of Post Titles Salary
including fees & allowances
Benefits in kind – car allowances

Totals including pensions

Chief Executive £129,334

Director of Development
(appointed from Jul-09) £65,494

Director of Community
Services £89,005

Director of Adult Social
Care, Health & Housing £89,005

Director of Children &
Young People’s Services £89,005

Director of Corporate
Services £76,256

Asst Director Children &
Young People’s Services £71,058

Asst Director Community
Services £71,482

Asst Director Adult Social
Care, Health & Housing £65,085

Head of Strategic Finance £62,816