Showing posts with label Johnston Press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johnston Press. Show all posts

Saturday, April 05, 2014

UKIP Rutland, Rutland County Council & Leicestershire Police Corruption "It Stinks" New Banner, Johnston Press, Rutland Times

UKIP Rutland, Rutland County Council & Leicestershire Police Corruption "It Stinks" New Banner

Members of the public have contacted the Rutland Times to ask why UKIP Rutland County Councillors
are staging their long term protest on Oakham High Street and why has the paper not given the protest
any coverage.

The UKIP Councillors have been contacted by the Rutland Times and told send in your photos and

Why does the Johnston Press employ reporters locally who describe themselves as seniour journalists on Twitter?

When you look at the savage destruction of the local press by the Johnston Press, you would think anyone who is still employed by The Johnston Press and describes themself in that way would get of their arse and write some good column inches and not give the parent company any excuse to get rid of them.

Or perhaps Roger Begy, Briggs and Co have made a new friend at the paper?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Rutland Times Job Advertisement For Porn Stars and Extras, No Experience Required

Rutland Times Job Advertisement For Porn Stars and Extras, No Experience Required

Rutland Times Advertisement For Porn Stars and Extras No Experience Required

I know at times it can get hard for small papers, like the Rutland Times when they struggle to raise advertising revenue.

In the past the Rutland Times has always been a little cautious when it comes to approving what
it publishes.

The public reaction to this advertisement in this weeks jobs page, had woman giggling and laughing throughout Tesco this morning, with some discussing were their husbands fit for this job?

I said why not? the advert clearly states no experience required.

I was wondering what would the dress code be for the interview?

Of course if the Rutland Times was to continue to expand into this source of revenue making, we could see the publication pulled from Tesco and find it placed on the top shelf of the local newsagent.

Now there is a idea for the resident cartoonist.

Speaking to the Rutland Times Oakham office earlier, the response was oh dear! We are not meant to publish those sort of adverts and the Peterborough office may be responsible.When I said I would publish my find, a polite request was made not to do so. My view is the Rutland Times has never done me any favours, so I decided to publish my find. I don't think it will do the paper any more harm than it inflicts on its self, with its biased often one side reporting.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Johnston Press plc is killing local Journalism with cuts after cuts

We are expected to fork out 50p for a tiny weekly paper, I am no journalist and I am sometimes rather harshly told I can't spel

Although I would not want to see the local staff loose their jobs at a time when the Johston Press is swinging the axe. I do feel they could do much better.

I notice the spelling mistakes, the incomplete press releases from our Conservative Rutland County Council.
There is quite a bit of criticism out there in the world wide web.

But just like Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council  who consider the Rutland Times  their propaganda tool, they seem blinkered to this.

(Its Kate Adie's Birthday today Happy Birthday.) She once told me it would be a bad day for democracy if we saw the demise of newspapers.

Possibly something councils like Rutland County Council would be pleased to see.

We all have something to look forward too, in future publications of the Rutland Times. Oakham Town Councillor John Nowell has been given a new role. He will write stories about Town Council meetings after they have been vetted by the Chairman Cllr Lucas and the Deputy Chairman Cllr Haworth the will be sent to the Rutland Times, providing of course a very unbiased journalistic content for the Rutland Times readers to enjoy along side Cllr Lucas's egotistic column "My Town,  My County"

One of the Rutland Times on-line critics below:
I have recently returned from my time at university in Edinburgh, one of the world’s great cities - a bustling European capital full of character, tales and culture at every turn down it’s meandering streets - to Rutland.


Like all quality journalism, it takes 124hours and 15minutes to report a story that consists of two sentences and 31 words. 31 words frothing with news, overfilling out of the chalice of journalism, though. Obviously, to ensure the gravitas of this tragedy, ‘EMERGENCY’ has to be spelt in capitals.
Rutland I love you, but your bringing me down…

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Johnston Press merges weekly titles

Badge greenslade blog

Johnston Press merges weekly titles

Two Yorkshire weeklies published by Johnston Press - the Driffield Times and Driffield Post - have been merged to become the Driffield Times & Post.  Read more
